6 Culinary Typical of Aceh Famous Delicious and Make You Hooked

in #culinary6 years ago (edited)

Culinary Aceh is one of the best culinary Indonesia and has a very distinctive taste. The spice spices are so strong and varied. So make the lovers addicted and never forget with the aroma as well as the taste of this typical cuisine Serambi Mecca.
Because of the popularity of culinary from Aceh, almost in various big cities in Indonesia we can find a restaurant that sells typical Aceh cuisine. Well, now we discuss, what are the traditional culinary of Aceh that you must know and obliged to you enter the list of food menu must eat?

  1. GULAI KAMBING (Goat Goulash)
    The main characteristic of the culinary of the island of Sumatra is the spices that combined with the santannya santannya. Just like this one menu, goat curry. This Aceh goat stew is really spoil the tongue of everyone who eats it.

Aceh goat goulash has a sauce that is quite thick. Sauce is quite sharp soup typical of Aceh spices mixed with chili sauce and crushed lime pepper. While the contents are minced goat meat that has been boiled until smooth.

2.-SATE MATANG ( satay cooked )
If you are visiting Aceh, you will easily find this culinary menu. Mature Sate is a pretty popular dish in Aceh, and almost on every street corner you'll find sellers of cooked satay.

This satay is called mature sate because it comes from Matang area in Bireuen district of Aceh. Satay Mature is not like the sate in general are burned and then given a spice soy sauce and peanut sauce, you know. Satay cooked precisely served by way of watering with a delicious soup soto.

  1. AYAM TANGKAP ( Chicken catch)
    Chicken catch is a special specialties from Aceh Besar area. As the name implies, Chicken Catch is a dish with the main ingredients of chicken that has been cut into pieces and cooked with green chili, pandan leaves, and curry leaves / teumuru leaves.

The type of chicken used to cook Chicken Catch is a chicken. The aroma is so savory and fragrant produced from teumuru leaves, green chilies and pandan leaves. No wonder that the aroma of cock catch is very tempting

4.-GULAI BEBEK (duck curry )
If you like to eat duck, then obligatory to try this special menu of Aceh this one. Yes, Mrs. Sie Itek if translated means duck curry rice, and it is definitely the main ingredient is duck or duck. The sauce is so savory and the seasoning is full of typical Aceh spices.

Bu Sie Itek is available in two variants, namely Mrs. Sie Itek Puteh and Mrs. Sie Itek meurah. If cooking meurah, the sauce is red because it is cooked with red chilli spice so it tastes quite spicy. While the cooking outeh kuahnya white and briefly like chicken opor and not spicy

5.-Nasi Guri (Savory Rice )
Not really legit if you go to Aceh but do not enjoy delicious delicacy of this typical Aceh rice. Why called savory rice? Because the taste of rice is tasty. This tasty rice tastes not much different from uduk rice.

This savory rice cooked / dipanak using coconut milk coconut milk is also combined with typical spices of Aceh. The aroma is so fragrant and tasty, so that when eaten without a side dish of savory rice is already delicious! But it will be more delicious again if eaten with side dishes such as omelet, fried fish, lado fish, and not forget his hot sauces.

Mie Aceh is one of the prima donna culinary from Aceh. The popularity of this Acehnese noodle has even reached the international scene you know! Mie Aceh is indeed has a unique characteristic and taste, delicious and second to none. This is because the spice used for cooking is full of spices that have a sense of kick on the tongue.

Mie Aceh is available in two types, which can digreng and soup. Although made from noodles, but this menu is very filling you know! The texture of the mienya is quite thick, and the marinade tends to taste like a savory and spicy curry.

That's the variety of popular Acehnese food and it's a pity to miss. If you admit culinary lovers, this typical Aceh cuisine will definitely be included in your favorite food list.
Thanks for reading


That teuga teumuleh meu teumee vote 00000,00003

Hahaha bah bagah kaya.. Kewkwkwkwk

Aceh Mantap semua kuliner nya maknyos di lidah enak enak bgt Top Markotop dech

Hehe you are right

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