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RE: Who Knew the knowledge of the New You

in #ctp5 years ago

Thanks a lot for sharing that story about yourself @russellstockley, and very interesting information about what triggers we have for our memories, as to myself I often remember things I have read, often even down to the book or website and in some cases specific page numbers, but have a really hard time remembering things that I have heard, but I do tend to remember smell very well.

And nice to know that you are an action taker, I tend to be that too, but only the first time, if it needs repeating I am not that good, this goes for example for my CTPtalk Tips and Tricks video series, I made the videos one after the other, but it seems I have a lot of trouble writing the ebook based on that series, to repeat it, but I will get there.

Again thanks a lot for a great post, it's awesome.

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Hi @thisisawesome - I bet if you could relate a smell to things you hear that you would remember things you hear much better :)
as for action taking - if you transpose your video speech to text, then part of the ebook is already written, but then you probably already have a transcript of your vids, :)

Thanks @russellstockley, and really nice tip there, stay awesome.

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