My Journey into CTP and CTPtalk

in #ctp5 years ago

I just signed signed up to CTP two days ago and have started my journey with it.

Signed up to CTPtalk today and my journey has begun.

Cannot wait to earn some CTP tokens and see how the whole staking and minting works.

Any ideas or hints for a newbie would be appreciated.

Thanks to any helpful advice.

As this is my first post I am still learning and have not added any graphics or pictures till I learn more.


Awesome! Welcome to CTP and to CTPtalk!

Great first post, now keep going :)

And you will generate new followers and confidence in your content creation.

Take your time and ask any questions that you may have...We're always here to help!

Hello Reefe
Welcome aboard

Hionts for a newbie, Be consistent, dont fade into the background, keep on doing and keep on Blogging,
Blog about interesting things, find a niche and make sure you tag that niche.
People will start liking what you write and they will up vote it and reply, all aiding to your accumulation of CTP Tokens
Oh and if you can by CTPM so that tokens can be generated through mining.
Watch all the training modules in #CTP and your well on your way

Oh, respond to other peoples posts , and be a part of the community not apart from it

Thanks for the welcome and help.

Just wanted to welcome you aboard. I have been here for two weeks. Keep coming every day. Do some training and surfing every day on #ctp. Try and make at least one blog post a day, even if you are out of ideas. Say Hi at least.


Thanks for the welcome and help.

Welcome aboard and don`t be afraid to ask questions....this is a very vibrant and helpful community.

Thanks for the welcome and help.

I am still trying to figure it out myself. The mining thing is completely different I am used to and the staking is easy to set up but not intuitive and how it works

I know, still trying to figure it out myself as well.

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