“Satoshi Reveal” Part 2: Lost Private Key, Another HOAX

in #ctp5 years ago

The second part of “Satoshi Reveal” by the (new) self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor proved to be even more outrageous than the first.
In it, "Satoshi" has confirmed to be Bilal Khalid - as was previously discovered in a domain name record of the "Satoshi Reveal" website. We also found out why he can't access his $ 19 billion fortune (he lost his private keys).



Satoshi Reveal? Yeah right. Notice how this guy only mentioned things that were from the bitcointalk forum chats? Freaking delusional! It’s also a coincidence that he just so happened to lose 980,000 bitcoin, now he can’t move any to prove it. More below.

Notice how this guy only mentioned things that were from the bitcointalk forum chats? Freaking delusional! It’s also a coincidence that he just so happened to lose 980,000 bitcoin, now he can’t move any to prove it. Also, he said he lives in a normal house. If he were that early to mine 980,000 bitcoin, then any person would immediately mine as much as they could again or at least buy on the way up as your seeing it’s a success. Also!!!!!.....he had to send his laptop into tech support for repair?!?! For one, if he was the creator of the most revolutionary technology in the world, then he’d know how to diagnose a bad hard drive - two, he wouldn’t have sent his laptop to tech support to have it repaired because it could have blown his cover, since he said he was so paranoid.


And we get a glimpse of what the future holds for Khalid - his name change to James Caan (seriously!) And a connector for his new blockchain project.

Even “Satoshi” Lost His Private Keys

The second part of Satoshi's revelation echoed the first in its sinuous and heavy lack of evidence. An interesting claim made by Mr. Khalid, now Mr. Caan, concerns the status of Satoshi's 980,000 bitcoin fortune. According to Caan, his private keys were lost when he handed over his laptop to an electronics store for repair. When the laptop came back, all the bitcoins were gone.

It was really funny reading that self-proclaimed cryptographic expert, with a known proven perfect opsec, had no idea that you can do encrypted backups of your most valuable data.

You don't need to be a hardware expert to know that you can never trust all your data security to a single hard drive. And not even an enterprise-class drive, just a crappy cheap notebook one.

He created the most redundant hipper secure distributed database and believed that the best way of securing private keys is not having additional copies... What a clown!

Satoshi Reveal: Interesting But No Evidence


Hard drive platters are relatively indestructible, so 99 out of 100 times it's a drive head failure. Fixing that involves picking the drive open, removing the current head assembly and replacing it with a new one from a donor drive. You'll also need to find the chip on the control board that calibrates the drive head (each platter has a unique 'factory set' head calibration) and swap that chip over from the donor drive.

Moving drive heads around requires specialist tools and it is skilled labour. The head is basicly a small magnet attached to an arm by a very flimsy carriage.

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