The Daily Habits Remain The Same...

in #ctp5 years ago (edited)

Yesterday’s blog post reminded me...How important it is to stay on track.

No matter what happens....Keep engaging.

Whatever trials we go through...Keep creating.

The price rises or falls...Keep curating.

And when we do this, consistently over time....Awesome things emerge.

We grow. Our tribe grows. Steem grows.

Keeping it short and sweet tonight, but I hope this helps remind us to keep on keeping on...

No matter what!

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

I hope you enjoy as much I enjoyed co-creating it!!!

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I love it when I read your post after I have alreay posted and the same idea is present. I did not want to write a blog post at all. 12 hours and in bed at might night after replacing a hotwater tank in my house. My post today was short and sweet but I still pumped it out.

Keep up the great work Jon.


Awesome man, glad to hear it got you fired up!

And the hot water tank would have been fun lol

Nice and encouraging words indeed. This is indeed now negativity will be less within ourself and the long term view of about Steem Blockchain will be more effective within us . Cheers !!

Appreciate that, thanks very much for the comments :)

If your enjoying it and your heart is in it stick with it Jon.

Yessir!!! No doubt about that!

Great habits that builds and compounds over time, thanks for sharing @jongolson.

They really do...It's amazing the things I do automatically now on Steem because it's been a habit I formed over a year ago...

It is an excellent reminder for us. Consistency is the key, and something I struggle to accomplish.

Thank you sir, yeah I think we all do from time to time...but it really is the difference maker.

Ah Jon, the K.I.S.S. approach! Got to love that! Yes, a very memorable pic, clean, each bullet point starting with a verb (action word), well-balanced and focussed. Sorry, for a minute there I thought I was on CTP Gauntlet! Wonderful Jon, how you have incorporated the community that is CTP with the tribe that is CTPtalk here on another community Steem; from fiat to crypto. All in just over 2 years. Truly remarkable! Thumbs up!

No worries man, this can be used like the Gauntlet too ;)

This is an awesome reminder and encouraging words to keep being positive and connected! I will be printing this out and adding it to my wall of things to do daily.

Awesome :) Watch out when you start printing things out...It becomes a habit and you run of ink really quick lol

Not a worry, I have hp insta-ink which sends my ink automatically when it's running low. and can print 300 pages a month for a very small fee. Well worth it. I'm a hard copy girl and print A-LOT!

Just a few minutes before reading this post, I have written on my TODO list to prepare an article about these 3 important things on STEEM :)

I know that we have written this a million times, but it is important!

Oh for sure man...I need to remind myself every day to do the 'little things'.

Very wise your words, do not decay for a drop in value

Appreciate that, thanks for commenting!

Yes, simple rules. We just have to have the power to follow them! @tipu curate

Awesome thank you very much...Think that's the first Tipu I've ever got.

With pleasure! I'm glad this one to be the first. There will be others, for sure.

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