How the Crypto Boom Was Planned.

in #crytpocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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People are looking to invest, the banks arent giving any interest, the dollar is continuously losing value, people just need a place to put their wealth. They are ready, they throw their wealth into Crypto and they wait for it to fly like the bat from hell they were told it would! snap! goes the mousetrap. The elites win and the masses lose. Whats next?

Well right now we see an overvalued stock market and the ever increasing supply of circulating currency issued through things like big and small business loans accompanied by student loans for the sheeple. These loans give the banks interest. They dont give any interest back. So whats the meaning behind this what does it even matter?


It means something very big is about to happen. Realize its quiet before the storm. Once things break lose its going to come like a hurricane. Not only in the prediction markets but also the reality you have come to know. Its all written. So whats next? Well its like this. The elites have been flooding so much wealth , such as credit, and loans, it created an enormous economic bubble,... this was part of their plan ...but was the Bitcoin bubble? The answer is, yes and no. The powers that be wanted to encourage high risk investing for greater market volatility, whether it was Bitcoin or stocks. But they did not plan for the technology that absorbed the wealth to give as much freedom as it has. What is freedom though? In many ways it is your wealth. So if people lose all their money investing in crypto or trading then did it really give them their freedom or did it take it? Isnt that what the elites want ? To take your freedom? Thats what they wanted the whole time. Isnt that why Bitcoin skyrocketed in the first place? Wasnt crypto how the masses could win out against the Banksters?

People say Bitcoin is digital gold. You know whats better then digital? The real stuff. Even shares of dirt laced with ore is a great deal at this point. Once countries stop taking the USD because they hate it as much as crypto heads, guess what the alt-coin of choice will be? GOLD. Why because its the perfect money. Let us compare Gods made money verse mans made money......

  • Crytpocurrency Markets: Cant be counterfeited, can be duplicated, no capped supply, infinite inflation

  • Precious metals: Cant be counterfeited, cant be duplicated, capped supply, depleting asset class


This that... Perhaps when discussing CryptoVSGold one isnt better then the other. In terms of use... but what of speculation then? Well right now I think its pretty obvious crypto newbs are getting bullied like newbies should. You have to understand some of these tokens are up 7000% in the last 2 years. When you buy something that has parabolically spiked after such gains its going to go down. I dont care if you own 1% supply of the antidote for cancer. At some point the psychological value passes the true intrinsic value immensely. This is most likely do to natural human instinct to follow the herd. Foolishness. I experience it myself from time to time.

Here say there say. Dont believe any of it. Understand the term "cycle". A "market cycle" is a naturally occurring event that indicates money movements between ecosystems or industries that comfortably sit within the global economy. Currently investors seek alternative currencies or assets of trade that hold much more volatility then the USD. This encouragement of high risk investing can only lead to one thing, crises. What then? Cryptocurrency will most likely continue its bear market for 1-2 years until its in a more comfortable and stable position. Gold on the other hand is in a promising state when discussing where it currently lies during this specific "market cycle" . After a stagnated bear market of about 5 years, you can expect a gold & silver bull market so robust in the reverse. Its not a matter of if but when.... And when the trigger is pulled....forget about it.

When? Right thats the question. As long as the U.S. stock market remains bullish or even continues its sideways trend the Gold markets will be on hold. However, once capital leaves these markets it will enter the gold mining sector and create a wave like we have never seen before. As we have seen this bubble overflow into cryptocurrencies we will ultimately see it deflate and then in turn flood into the gold mining sector. The indexes are a great indicator for when we will see the gold market really take off. Its alot easier to predict where money will be moving when you see where its coming from. This is simple logic really, cause and reaction. Gold is the place to be with such a fragile economic infrastructure we live in today.

OK, now that you know what industry to invest in (precious metals) now we have to take a dive deeper and look into what companies are either a.) strong and robust or b.) oversold with potential to be strong and robust. Safer plays usually fall in the "a." category. If you looking for 1000% but not looking to take close to any risk in the roll...Then looking to companies like HMY and AG. Harmony Gold (HMY) is a Gold producer out of Africa that pays out healthy dividends and usually has a skyrocketing stock price to go along with a healthy tip once in a while. First Majestic Silver (AG) may not be a "safe" play in the sense of its volatility but to me this company has done what no company has ever done... Which is not only stay a float during a elongated bear market but what able to buy out alot of junior miners that were in a state of desperation. By doing so, First Majestic Silver, has positioned itself incredibly well going into this potential bull run.

Chart for First Majestic Silver

First Majestic Silver.png

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This was a great first newsletter man! I enjoyed it very much. I can’t wait to see what comes of this newsletter! First Majestic is a top notch company and Keith Neumeyer is a legend in the mining space.

Appreciate that! and yea listening to him you really understand what makes a good mining company "good" thanks brother!

Exactly! They remind me a lot of cryptos, where there are a bunch of snake oil salesmen! Lol

its all about the people emotions in the market which lead to this


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