IAGON: A Global Super Computing Grid

in #crytocurrency ā€¢ 6 years ago (edited)

The world is gradually developing in all aspects of life for the advancement and more effectiveness of the globe šŸŒ making the demand for storage capacities and computational processing power increase drastically in the ongoing development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technologies associated with Data, These data technologies are sustaining the growth, of data on any system offering web-based services and other related networking platform. Therefore, their implementation and vast importance cannot be overemphasized or overlooked.
Data continues to grow, and organizations are faced with a tough decisions, as how to manage them effectively and efficiently. These technologies despite its essential nature havenā€™t been fully implemented having only been developed but this has not hindered most corporate and public institutes from exploiting its potentials in improving sectors of their operations.

One of man most elementary desire is to create an highly safe and well encrypted storage devices free from hacking, loss of data or attacks from viruses. Over many years, computers users have faced many problem concerning the safety of their files, by external attacks, malfunctioning of their computers and lack of high computing capacities and power. They had been some cloud storage services been dominated by a few large players such as "Amazon, Google and Microsoft" which has put in great time and works, but like a earlier said, the whole is changing vigorously and this has given rise to a storage services which will ensure a high level of security by utilizing the slicing of data and military layer file encryption called IAGON.


IAGON "is a platform for harnessing the storage capacities and processing power of multiple computers over a decentralized Blockchain grid. IAGON utilizes enables to store big data files and repositories, as well as smaller scales of files, and to carry out complex computational processes, such as those needed for artificial intelligence and machine learning operations, within a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates blockchain, cryptographic and AI technologies in a user-friendly way."

Iagon operates a fully secure and encrypted platform that integrates multiple blockchain support/tangle technologies, smart computational grid, AI-based computational processing, etc. in a user friendly and intuitive environment.

With Iagon, an Artificial Intelligent decentralized architecture called the Alexandria Protocol is birthed. This AI decentralized architecture would make use of unsused computing power and storage space distributed around the world to create a super-computer that can compete with the various current cloud computing kingpins. Infact, IAGON would offer services that are more efficient and effective than the ones offered by these kingpins.


The AI powered Iagon platform will connect users and services through a decentralized application (DApp). It features being easy to use, understand and operate and the softwareā€™s functionality has been made easy to synchronize across all smart devices. So, whether youā€™re a regular user or a top-notch organization, the platform is designed to work for you.

The Iagon platform would provide a free space for data storage and power of many computers combined into a single network service that will store heavy data sets of diverse information and performing complex computing processes requiring solid capacities.

Mining is one of the major ways to generate revenue with the system and with the use of smart contracts, the most suitable format to you can be utilized without necessarily being in-depth in programming language.

With all these said and done, lets talk about the features of the iagon and what they entails.


  • Dencentralization/Multi-Chain Support:
    Iagon runs on Distributed Ledger Technologies, hence it is fully decentralized. This means that there is no single point of failure or possibility of attack.

  • Security (Secure Lake Technology):
    The Iagon platform takes security to another level with its secure lake technology. With this technology, a user securely uploads a file, the file is sliced, and then the slices of the file are strongly and anonymously encrypted, in which only the user that uploaded the original file has the password/key to retrieve and decrypt. Thus, no other user can access the slices of the uploaded file to either decrypt, delete, change, retrieve, identify their source and/or even associate a slice of the file with other file slices that are generated from the original, uploaded file.

  • Iagon supports both the Ethereum Blockchain and the Tangle Blockchain to run its cloud storage and processing. With this, users can decide to use either Ethereum or Tangle to perform activities on the IAGON platform.

  • Iagon makes use of existing and unused computer storage capacities and powers. To create a more advanced and reliable cloud system and at the same time, rewarding individuals, companies and organization for providing it unused storage by rewarding them with a cryptocurrency token with can be exchange to real money on exchange website and companies needing this storage devices, pays for the space using the same token.

  • The AI-Tracker has more than a 100 different Machine Learning algorithms that power the Smart Computing Grid's resource allocation system. Based on historical data, the AI-Tracker manages node quality, storage and CPU distribution optimization. The AI-Tracker is designed to evolve and optimize it's own distribution algorithm, growing and improving along with the entire network.


Just as the name implies, cloud is an untouchable storage medium free from attacks and reliable for information storage. The market of this invisible storage medium is dominated by Google cloud, Microsoft, AWS and IBM respectively. All utilizing central and less trusted storage computation facilities. Moreover, there are higher demands for computation capacities and storage . It has been expected over time, that this demand are met but yet, none of this prominent marketers have been able to meet up with this demand and yet, the marketers offers this services at very high price with the sole aim of tackling competitors with new innovation.

Today everything revolves within the internet, networks, digital files, among other technological things. Nobody uses the archives anymore, nor keep their photos in albums, because only if you want to save something you upload it to the cloud, but, what is the cloud? It could be defined as a platform that is responsible for managing the files of various devices, for example if you have a photo on your computer you will only see it there, but if you upload it to the cloud you can see it in several duspositives, which makes it more accessible and in some way "indelible". It is very common to keep files, there and many photos, it is a service used by a large number of organizations and ordinary citizens.
Cloud computing provides a simple way to access servers, storage, databases and a broad set of application services over the Internet. A Cloud services platform such as Amazon Web Services owns and maintains the network-connected hardware required for these application services, while you provision and use what you need via a web application.


Iagon's open source platform architecture is a layered collective of unique functionalities consisting of a server layer, Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning Algorithms, blockchain layer and miner nodes, nor forgetting encryption and decryption protocols. These interconnected capabilities are designed to create a framework able to both offload efficient computation on multiple miner CPU/GPUs and to execute the algorithm learning process on a computing cluster hosting in both cloud and Grid/HPC environments.
When a user uploads a file and presents a processing request to Iagon's server, the machine learning algorithm sends blocks of corresponding data randomly over to the miners to process in order to locate matching signatures. These blocks of data are then returned back over the blockchain which is validated along with an output that the machine learning would use to identify a node.

In this environment, the blocks are distributed equally to miners by utilising the Proof-of-Variance (PoV) algorithm and a further crucial feature is that data isnā€™t stored within their local system and this implementation guarantees that the data is processed anonymously with each separate node being effectively undisclosed to each other except through the machine learning algorithm.

Iagon's Architecture

The Smart Computing Platform and AI tracker technology

IAGON is going to be operating based on their smart computing grid technology. This technology can be likened to a power grid. This is the brain behind the allocation of resources in IAGON . The Smart computing grid has a lot of functions, and they include:

  • Serves as a connection link between multiple producers and consumers.
  • Gathers all unused resources and places them in an allocation pool, so as users can access them.
  • Determines the way CPU and storage are distributed and allocated among users
  • Gives miners an opportunity to earn when they are not using their servers and/or computers.

The ā€œbrainā€ behind the Smart computing grid is the AI tracker. The AI tracker contains 100+ unique machine learning algorithms. Some of the functions performed by the AI tracker includes:

  • Powers the allocation of resource done by the Smart computing grid.
  • Uses historical data to ensure that resource allocation are optimized.
  • Management of node (ensuring nodes are stable, and then removing unstable nodes from the grid)
  • Ensuring performance is optimized at any given time (by fine tuning the grids attributes)

The AI tracker continues to improve and grow with the entire network as it continually evolves and optimizes its own distribution algorithm while performing the functions listed above.

How will IAGON impact the AI and Big Data industry?

IAGON plays an important role in the information management industry, therefore the impact of this platform is overwhelming. IAGON has a super computer that is activated by a power to type quite large, so much that it is linked to electricity itself, the power of Iagon is closely linked with artificial intelligence as it can promote the automatic learning and management of the AI, which is incredibly important in today's world. For its part, Iagon shows a very positive impact on the big data industry because the Smart Computing Grid can handle a large amount of data at the moment, it can store, distribute and organize information, which is why Iagon is so useful within from the world of big data and artificial intelligence, not any platform offers all those services already mentioned, at low cost and with so much power, that makes the IA is available to all thanks to Iagon.

Blockchain and the miners:

This is the section that enables data to be broken down into blocks. These blocks are then sent across the nodes(miners). The blockchainā€™s hashing algorithm makes use of the SHA256 algorithm to hash each block with its previous hash, thus creating a chain. The SHA256 algorithm also ensures that miners are incentivize to honesty process data and guard against deliberate manipulation of data output.

Machine Learning algorithm:

This is the section responsible for sending blocks of data to different miners (nodes). These blocks of data are sent for either processing or signatures matching.

The encryption/decryption protocol:

This enables the secure storage of data within external or internal platforms. However, external platforms need to be first integrated via an API to utilize IAGONā€™s platform.


AI is constantly learning and assimilating the infinite supply of available performance grid metrics gotten from smart computing grid, thus creating an organized real-time data structure subject to optimization. Reinforcement Learning which is the science of decision making to handle dynamic environment, alongside Markov decision processes are also being adopted as a part of the multi-model approach for dynamic and distributed computational environments all in order to achieve real-time decision making and optimization. Iagonā€™s machine learning would lead to optimization in control of distributed storage and computational processing that will aid in accessing its scalability and speedup.

Reinforcement Learning

Use of Blockchain:

The blockchain is used to ensure security and also to monitor the nodes. IAGON makes use of the SHA256 algorithm to achieve security, by ensuring that a chain link is only created between a data and itā€™s previous state only if the data has been validated.

IAGON also manage costs, research and development through the private blockchain. Also, to ensure that there is no single point of failure in the services rendered, IAGON has the option to use multiple private chains.

Data Mining:

IAGON achieves data mining through the use of public network protocols which are used over API networks on the private blockchain.

Block tasks are given to miners via a method called the proof of variance. The miners do not need to store any of the data they are given to process, all they have to do is to match the data signature from the data input to a corresponding data object in the block and then subsequently return the output data. Once the data has been confirmed and validated that it belongs to that specific block, the mining is complete, and the miner is then receive rewards.

Mining Algorithm:

IAGON uses the Proof of Variance to determine minersā€™ contribution and rate of processing. With the proof of variance, miners are classified based on their contribution into a pool. Miners that reside in the same pool can then compete with one another. Miners that resides in a pool can be upgraded or downgraded, depending on two factors, which are rate of processing and amount of data found. With this mining algorithm, miners are managed effectively and efficiently.

Resolution Protocol:

This is a set of rules that enable anomalies to be resolved automatically/manually.


This is used to secure the data stored on the IAGON platform. Data can be stored unto the IAGON platform via different methods, which includes SQL, NoSQL, private blockchain, third party facilities etc. However, this method has to be up to the standards specified by IAGON.

Smart Computational Grid

Iagon has implemented a smart computing grid, which is a logistics layer that handles the complex nature of decentralized computations and is hosted by network of computing clusters hosted on both the clod and Grid environments. System integration is usually a big challenge during the genesis of any cloud based distributed computing platform but with the presence of an advanced AI optimizing the smart grid, improved decision making and efficiency is attained by forming what is called the AI-Tracker system.
This AI-Tracker system is a complex learning system which analyses past and current data streams that disclose the availability of storage space and processing capacities of miners continuously.


correlations within large data sets, otherwise known as data mining, take another manner of approach different from the traditional cryptocurrency paradigm. It utilizes a private blockchain with public networks over API networks to improve mining efficiency, wherein the miner doesnā€™t need to store any data for he/she to be able to mine, leaving the bulk of the job to the Machine Learning algorithm to handle. Data mining uses the existing decentralized computing network.

Lets take a look at some Iagon services,
IAGON services includes:

IAGON Cloud Storage Services:

Cloud storage services gives users the opportunity to store data outside their local systems. Take for instance, I decide to run a database for my school, instead of me buying and assembling a local server to store the data, I can just purchase cloud storage services and store my data on the cloud storage, thus reducing cost of buying, assembling and/or maintaining a local server.

IAGON'S cloud storage services ensures a high level of security. IAGON achieves this through the slicing of data and military grade file encryption. Through the slicing of file, IAGON ensures that no single miner has access to an entire file, thus ensuring security.

IAGON also incentivize users by giving IAG tokens to users that share their unused space. Miners are not left out of the picture, as miners get incentives that is based upon the number of process they perform. Hence, the larger the data processed by miners, the higher the incentives.

IAGON'S Computing Services:
I bet, we all like it when we use our face or voice to unlock our phones or computers. To do this, a high amount of computing power is needed. This type of computing power is not made accessable to individuals and smaller companies. Infact, large companies pay through their nose just to use supercomputers and/or centralized computing services.

However, IAGON plans to build a global super computing grid that is readily available to everyone at a cheaper cost.

Encryption/Decryption Protocol

The encryption/decryption protocol is basically all about the stored data. for security purposes, encryption is necessary to protect the data in the event of a breach or a hack attempt. Advanced methodologies for secure internal data storage and distribution of data blocks to miner nodes are employed.

The Secure Lake Technology is the innovation identifiable only with the Iagon platform and it targets Big Data and the recent adoption of data lake architecture based on NoSQL DB implementations (e.g Alexandria, Hbase and MongoDB) as a standard.
Through the use of blockchain technology,only the user can securely upload a file and rest assured that no one can read the contents of the small file slices,neither encrypt, delete, change,retrieve or even identify the file source and associate them with the original uploaded file, all because that user only has the password(encryption/decryption key). Hence with Iagon privacy is not just a promise but it is mathematically ensured and guided by principle of universal values on the decentralized network.

Token Smart Contract, Economy and Distribution

IAGON makes use of the IAG token identification and development complying with ERC20 standards. It has bee integrated on purpose with the ETH Network to ensure that all interactions, exchanges, smart contracts and wallet storage are seamless, secure, swift and straightforward, across all token platforms. This standard is well established, stable, strong, and has been widely adopted throughout the blockchain community.
The launch of the Iagon token will function in a number of business development purposes, most importantly, assist in raising the capital required to begin final testing and deployment of platform and associated Smart Computing Grid to the market. As such the IAGON (IAG) can be considered as a utility token that grants access for participation from consumers (both individuals and companies) in need of processing capabilities, and producers offering storage resources and processing capabilities.

Iagonā€™s token-based economy is based on computer, server and data centre owners who join the storage and processing power grid and in return for sharing the capabilities of their machine, they will be given IAG tokens (tradeable back to fiat) or alternatively, any party who desires to utilize their capabilities will purchase IAG tokens for distribution to the respective parties that provide their services on the grid.


Most firms have faced a lot of problems in the past while some are still facing many due to loss of data . Many firms of have even been shutdown.
IAGON is saddled with making data saving and retrieval easy by accessing the well encrypted storage medium from your end without giving access to any third party, IAGON rewards through its tokens and has employed the best way in saving files ever, cutting the cost of maintenance of individual companies and making the machines easily accessible. We've searched, explore and discovered the only way forward is IAGON! Taking data storage to the next level. IAGON is supported by some many partners.

IAGON'S Tokenomics




For more information watch this short introduction:

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