in #crytocurrency7 years ago (edited)



If with the excitement that burns within me for the prospects of Effect.AI, I plunge directly into  telling a friend how is going to change how AI development works and the social and  economic impacts of a decentralised Mechanical Turk, He might just stare askancely at me probably thinking, "what is he even talking about?"

So, first things first.

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, it is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines especially computer systems. The processes might include learning, which is the ability to acquire information and rules for using information, reasoning, which entails using the rules to reach conclusions definitely or approximately and self-correction. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer or a computer assisted robot to carry out tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. This entails developing systems which are endowed with the intellectual processes similar to that of humans, enabling them to reason, discover or even learn from past experiences.

According to the Effect.AI Whitepaper,

AI is intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast with the Natural Intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and other animals. In computer science, AI is defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximise its chance of success at some goal.

AI, within the last few years has been developing exponentially and so its applications. The advancement of face recognition systems, self-driving vehicles, intelligent personal assistants such as Siri and Alexa are indeed a testament to the prospect and impact of Artificial Intelligence on the everyday life of humans. AI, has also been utilized for a wide range of activities including remote sensing, medical diagnosis, logistics and robot control. It is also playing a crucial role in the advancement of numerous fields and industries including but not limited to healthcare, finance, education and transportation.

The increase in AI applications can be explained by the advances in Machine Learning (ML), Computer Vision (CV), and Natural Language Processing (NLP) research, as well as the ready availability of cloud computing.

Despite, the very many advantages AI present to the human race, there still has been major problems which are hindering the development of the AI industry. To this effect, I would tell you a story...


Once upon a time,

The very first problem of developing AI was the issue of data processing, the development of Artificial Intelligence systems require huge sets of data which can only be accessed basically, through human feedback. Access to such sets of data are very expensive and require lots of resources, this basically kept the entry threshold so high that small scale businesses and developers were at a serious disadvantage and thus the development of AI was left in the hands of giant tech corporations like Amazon and Google. But with Effect.Ai? Not anymore

Once upon a time, necessity of interacting with other variables, that is, the problem of diverging tasks was a huge task that increased the complexity of AI development. But with Effect.Ai? Not anymore.

Once upon a time, the computational costs of developing AI which is pretty expensive was a main obstacle to the development of AI, not for big corporations though, but it was an obstacle to small businesses and the averages developers. With Effect.Ai? Not anymore.

How would Effect.AI, solve these three fundamental problems in trying to improve the development of AI then? 

It would occur in three phases, the first phase is the Mechanical Turk, it would involve a market place where AI development tasks that require human intelligence which hitherto would have been inaccessible to small and medium scale developers, would be made accessible. This large human work force would therefore be able to train AI algorithms for anybody whatsoever a luxury which hitherto only the big players in the AI industry enjoyed.

The second phase would involve the Effect Smart Market, where working AI algorithms would be bought or even rented. The Effect Smart market is therefore, a decentralized platform offering an open market place for the purchase and exchange of AI Algorithms.

Lastly, there is the Effect Power phase.The AI Algorithms having been run on centralized servers themselves, in this phase, would be distributed so as to enable them run globally without hitches.

An illustration of the three phases of Effect.AI

The end result?

The three phases of Effect.Ai which include the Effect Mechanical Turk, the Effect Smart Market an Effect Power would definitely breed an AI revolution and overturn the existing status quo in the AI industry which currently wallows in the quagmire of inequality and domination by a few.

To begin with, Accessibility to AI algorithms would be greatly improved hence the Mechanical Turk makes training of algorithms faster, easier and way way cheaper.

Performance of AI could also be improved by enabling the acquisition of services from algorithms through the Effect Smart Market.

The ability to exchange and use information pertaining to AI, that is interoperability is also very much promoted. Moreover,

The combination of multiple AI algorithms will result in powerful capabilities and emergent intelligence that no single AI algorithm can achieve on its own.

Having outlined the awesome idea Effect.AI has proposes and its inherent capability to to open up the AI industry for the average developer and the not too financially endowed business, it is only pertinent that a case which embodies the idea of the Effect.AI be discussed.


Dave, a tech savvy geek who just lives down the street, has decided to build an app that would try to recognise the voice and sounds of a sick  person in distress. This app then would activate an alarm system to alert a Nurse. After developing his app, the need to make his algorithm learn and distinguish between voices of someone in distress and that of another who is not arises.

His quest takes him to Effect.AI, where for little or even no charge, through the Effect Mechanical Turk he is able to get a large workforce of humans to train his algorithm.

Having perfected it, through the Effect Smart Market, Dave is now able to even rent his algorithm or offer it to hospitals as a service and payment is made to him.

Finally, his algorithm perfect, Effect Power takes over and ensures optimum computational power for his algorithm by providing a decentralized, distributed computational platform that would ensure the smooth running of his algorithm.

Dave is now a proud inventor of a helpful AI tech. He is so proud.

But hold on, what if there was no Effect.AI, what would have been Dave's fate? His dream would have  surely not come to pass and his brilliant idea would just have remained an idea just because he is no Google or Amazon that can afford the development of an AI algorithm. But thanks to Effect.AI, his dream is now one come true.

Effect.AI with its decentralized Mechanical Turk is therefore, to a very large extent going to play a gigantic role in our social and economic advancement. One just has to think of the numerous AI Algorithms that would be developed thanks to Effect.AI in order to get an inkling of what Effect.AI truly holds for us. Great prospects!

Effect.AI would also provide a platform where individuals and groups would have their dream fulfilled. A platform where as a worker one might be able to perform tasks on Artificial Intelligence and get paid for it, while for the Requester, his dream AI algorithm finally comes through. Nothing could be more perfect.

Effect.AI in a nutshell therefore, would make effective and efficient the development of AI. Little wonder it is called, Effect Artificial Intelligence.

References and information sources you should check out;

This article was written for this @originalworks contest.



Great piece of work.
I've heard about and I would also love to hear what do you think about DBC (Deepbrain Chain) and Singularity. How those two look comparing to in your opinion?

Im personally quite bullish on DBC (mostly because DBC is related to NEO) and I hope to hear what do you think about this coin.

I will be following you closely.

One more time: great piece of work

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