
Nice. I have some bitbay as well. Hope to see your result.

Thanks poh. Do you stake your too, if so how much do you make?

The current rate is 1% annually.
20,000 x .01 = 200 annually
200 / 365 = .54794 per day (roughly)
.54794 x 7 = 3.84 BAY per week, by my estimation.

Within the next update or two, the plan is to up the staking rate to between 3 and 5% (1% annually were everyone to be staking 24/7, but this is how much we anticipate it panning out to be given that all BAY tokens will not be staking at the same time).

If you have any more questions, or would like to clarify things with the dev, feel free to visit the Slack!

The % of chance of staking a block in a day can be found with this formula
(1350 blocks / day) x (BAY in your staking wallet) / (difficulty)
with 20BAY staking reward per block

more info on the formula you can find on this post

I’ve been staking my BAY at so I can...
☑︎ Trade at the same time.
☑ Being part of a pool = faster payouts.
☑ I can finally turn my laptop off.

Rewards are good too.
They might even be higher with compounding effect.

Just thought I would share.

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