Green Aventurine Crystals forManifesting Prosperity and Abundance

in #crystals7 years ago


Green Aventurine - Indian Jade

Key Words ~ Healer of Heart, Vitality, Confidence

Chakra ~ 4th - Heart
Element ~ Water & Earth
Astrological Sign ~ Taurus, Virgo
Numerical Vibration ~ 3
Hardness ~ 7
Color ~ Translucent green quartz rich in chrome-like mica

Affirmation ~" I AM embracing change with confidence to move forward in my life".

Aspects associated with the crystal.

EMOTIONAL: Calming, anxiety, stress, emotional healing, trauma, anger & rage, soothing, over-sensitivity, leadership skills, intellect and decision making, joy, optimism, release attachments, embrace change.

PHYSICAL: Energizes, balance energies, heart health, eyes/vision, allergies, cell repair, lungs, stimulates metabolism, lower cholesterol & blood pressure.

SPIRITUAL: Manifest abundance & prosperity, Connect with the Devic realm, Positive energy.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Sunscapes Soaps & Soaks
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations


This is such a good post, my mom does reiki and she talks about this things all the time.

Good for your mom, I love reiki and she knows that the stones carry energies too, awesome!

Great post, friend. Following you right now :)

Thank you Debralee have a great day

What do people do with these stones ? Keep them in there pocket when they ask the boss for a raise.

Oh my Mike, you are just so funny. Yes, I imagine some people might, people carry them with them or keep them near them to amplify the energetic vibrations in their Auric field. Fun!

I think a good looking woman by my side would generate a lot more vibrations.

hahaha, then you better get right on that and start sending out good vibes

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