'Legitimate Illiteracy' and 'Cryptocurrency'. Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

This was Part 1

Kindly note that our style of documenting this entire ‘no-book’ was ‘ulogging’; a style of ‘content-creation’ that involves ‘mining the human’. 

Each element of this ‘no-book’ was developed and documented ‘afresh’ on the basis of ‘especial insight from above’, which arrived after I had ‘mined my human’. 

Consequently, in the course of reading this ‘no-book’, we encourage you to ‘mine your human’.

To conclude this chapter, let us attempt to capture the underlying essence of this entire ‘no-book’ in this ‘GIANT FOOTNOTE’:

The niche of ‘Cryptocurrency’ has been labeled ‘complex’ by today's standards. Is it?

“Simply add some ‘English’ into the ‘Mathematics’ and even ‘complexest Math equations’ suddenly become ‘non-equations’.”

Are those so-called ‘complex undertakings’ really ‘complex’ or have we simply been ‘half-humans’ in these undertakings? Isn’t there still a lengthy-list of ‘humanly-exhaustible actions’ that we haven’t undertaken, in relation to our undertakings?

“Many times the answers lie in the ‘first simplest obviousest solutions’; many times we attempt the ‘nth complexest solutions’ first”. @surpassinggoogle

You want ‘billions’? Have you tried asking a bank manager politely, for the key to the bank’s vault? 


What then, if we explored a ‘complexer’ approach and say, ‘create your cryptocurrency’, label it ‘money’ and attempt to buy ‘a billion dollar island’ with it?


Speaking of ‘innovation’, however ‘complex-looking’, “it will cater to humans”. 

However ‘perfect’, however ‘robotic’, however ‘fanciful’, however ‘flawless’, won’t this ‘innovation’ tend to ‘humans’ and aren’t ‘humans’ flawed?

Was ‘innovation’ that complex after all?

Aren’t you among ‘humans’ each day? Aren’t you in the midst of ‘your human’ each second? Have you paid attention to ‘fellow humans’ then? Have you understood ‘life and humans’ yet?

“Oh, those so-called ‘complex whitepapers’ aren’t ‘complex’ either!”

‘Excerpts’ these ‘whitepapers’ are, of a man or a woman; of ‘humans’, whose perceptions are premised by their understanding of ‘life and humans’.

If you had to pay attention to ‘the human behind the paper’, a fellow human; are ‘whitepapers’ complex afterall?

“Code is law”? No, it is not! 

‘Coding’ is complex? It is definitely not!

Can ‘code’ be effectively ‘law’, when it will cater to ‘humans’, to ‘non-gods’, to ‘non-bots’? 

If ‘code is law’ forms the basis for many ‘innovations’ today, isn’t it obvious then that the so-called ‘geeks’ behind many of today’s innovations, may require an understudy of ‘life and humans’, to be better-capable of innovating ‘world-adjusting codes’?

If one’s understanding of ‘life and humans’ impacts one's ability to innovate ‘world-adjusting codes’; can’t you suddenly code?

Is the art of ‘programming’ complex then?

In the same vein, is it ‘complex’ to see why ‘many innovations’ turn out ‘generic’ instead of ‘revolutionary’? 

Isn’t it simply because ‘innovations’ that are supposed to cater to ‘humans’, have been modeled on the basis of ‘code is law’, a model fit for ‘bots’?

‘Making money’ is complex? 

And, what is ‘money’ exactly? ‘That ‘paper’? That ‘paper’ that you can now digitally create? That ‘paper’ backed by ‘humans’?

What exactly have renown enterprises like ‘Facebook or Google’ done to make ‘billions’ in money? Haven’t they simply ‘mined humans’? Haven’t they simply established ‘humans’ as constituting ‘mines’ and taken control of these ‘human mines’?

The world is ‘painted’. Let us put ‘cookies’ in their browsers! They won’t spot us. They don't value themselves enough to ‘mine their human’. 

When I proceed to say, “simply take control of your ‘mine’ (i.e your ‘human’), mine ‘your human’ and ‘money’ will begin to seek you, desiring you as its owner.” 

Would you call me bizarre then? Think thrice!

“Blockchain technology”? That is ‘complex’ to understand too?

Blockchain – A ‘public ledger’ that stores ‘data’ about the ‘evolutionary activities of humans’. 

Complex still?

It is quite plain to see that ‘many things’ have been made ‘complex’, that ‘many things’ may constitute ‘products’.

‘Complexities’ brew ‘Complexities’.

Un-ironically, ‘the world’ is still very novice to the ‘true state of the world’. 

In our undertakings, we haven’t taken the ‘dirt’ routes enough. We have been ‘inclined towards outer-space’ instead; preferring the ironic ‘comfort zone’. 

‘Mining the human’ isn’t a very clean art.

As a result, there has come to be so much amiss in the world today, even in terms of “knowledge”. 

The breed of ‘knowledge’ derivable from ‘the down-to-earth spaces of Mama Earth’ has stayed particularly ‘unrevealed’.

We have evolved on the basis of ‘partial knowledge’. Consequently, we have turned out ‘half-humans’.

To attain ‘full-blown humanhood’, we will need ‘knowledge’ that is ‘whole’; a blend of ‘the books’ and ‘the no-books’.

Many of ‘the books’ have been written! Where are ‘the no-books’ stored?

Now, if I undertake those ‘dirt’ routes, in a bid to reveal the content in ‘the no-books’, that the ‘collective world’ may better-evolve, won’t you say that I am ‘legitimate illiterate’?

I am a ‘legitimate illiterate’ and this is the first published ‘no-book’ covering the subject of ‘cryptocurrency’. There will be one no-book released per month, emanating from the ‘Macrohard hub’, covering a variety of subjects.

Looking at the ‘painted world’ once again, haven’t we amassed enough ‘book knowledge’ yet? 

Has the world really advanced courtesy of this ‘outer-space-like knowledge-base’ or has it become ‘a world favorable to rats and bots’ instead?

“One stone will struggle to kill two birds today; half-a-stone captures entire nations today.” @surpassinggoogle

Aren’t the very ‘words’ that make up ‘the books’ underlyingly ‘weak’, with respect to capturing the vast context of the ‘human essence’? Aren’t these ‘book words’ too ‘painted’ (i.e ‘sophisticated, superficial, clean, grammarly, organized etc’) to have taken cognizance of ‘humans in rubble’? 

‘Paint’ doesn’t mean ‘clean’!

Don’t ‘the books’ say ‘black or white’, circumventing ‘grey’. 

Don’t ‘the books’ ‘happy or sad tears’, because it is oblivious to ‘un-fell tears’? 

Don’t ‘the books’ say ‘pursuit of happiness’, incapable of defining what really constitutes ‘sadness’.

Don’t ‘the books’ say ‘morals = good or bad’, when there is ‘forgiveness’ too?

Don’t ‘the books’ tell you to ‘do you’, without having asked you which ‘version of you’, you intend to do?

Don’t these ‘books’ say that ‘humans in rubble’ must wait ‘till the end of the tunnel to find light’?

Well, doesn’t it favor ‘the books’ of a ‘painted world’ to append to the ‘world’, more ‘paint’?

Now, if the words contained in ‘the books’ are ‘sophisticated, fanciful, orderly, clean’ yet ‘weak’ with respect to ‘human evolution’; where are ‘the no-books’ and ‘its breed of words’?

If the words contained in ‘the no-books’ are ‘rough, dirty, nonsensical’ yet ‘spiritual, powerful, great’; will you read the ‘no-books’ too?

It is no coincidence that humans who are supposed to be ‘unordinary’ are seen as ‘ordinary’ in today’s painted world; superficially ‘all clean’, yet ‘ordinary’.

In the context of ‘innovation’, it is no coincidence that ‘many innovations’ that exist today have inadvertently been utilized to ‘remove value from humans’. 

Throughout the course of this ‘no-book’, we have utilized the ‘world of cryptocurrency’ as a tool to peer into ‘today’s painted world’, in a bid to re-reveal the existence of ‘a real world’, whereupon ‘humans’ hold sway. 

In turn, we have created a ‘no-book about cryptocurrency’ that enhances your capabilities in the capacity of creating unique ‘world-adjusting’ innovations. 

According to me, the most potent utility for ‘blockchain & cryptocurrency’ is ‘its use in returning value to humans’. 

When used in ‘removing value from humans’, ‘blockchain & cryptocurrency’ can become an ‘ordinary’ and fade.

Altogether, let us say once again that ‘humans are un-ordinary’. This becomes all the more established as you continue to ‘mine your human’.

How is your spirit-side? Can you reach it? 

Did you know that there is ‘rare intel’ innate to you, that is tangible to the ‘collective evolution of the world’? 

Have you mined these ‘innate aspects of you’, in a bid to attain this particular ‘rare intel’ and reveal it to the world? 

I tell you, “whenever you undertake this undertaking successfully, another ‘no-book’ will emanate into existence.”

“When you have seen many things, many things become ordinary.” @surpassinggoogle

In ‘chapter 7’, I had mentioned a certain ‘dirt paper’, referring to it as my ‘third most valuable possession’. 

I also promised to show you a picture of it here:



Kindly visit or revisit ‘chapter 7’, to read the stories and histories behind the ‘dirt paper’ above.

Adam named all the animals! He had had to ponder-wonder, ‘doing the dirt’ as needed to give these earthly creatures perfect names.

Did you know that this ‘no-book’ is ‘cheaper than free’?

First of all, let us say that the ‘Macrohard hub’ will look to publish one ‘no-book’ each month.

When you purchase this ‘no-book’ for instance, you can also utilize the ‘Macrohard hub’ and its facilities for free, for a period of one month. 

The ‘Macrohard hub’ is currently located at ‘2 Fastrack Road, TLR Townhouse, Moonwalk, Paranaque, Metro-Manila, Philippines’. Kindly read more about the ‘Macrohard hub’ at the closing-segment of this ‘no-book’.

At the end of each chapter of this ‘no-book’, we have added ‘extra-curricular activities’, formulated to incite you to ‘mine your human’, while learning about the subject of ‘cryptocurrency’.

If you are able to complete all the ‘compulsory extra-curricular activities’ contained in this ‘no-book’, you can get a refund of your ‘purchase-amount’ and an extra monetary-bonus.

If you desired a more in-depth explanation of every aspect of this ‘no-book’, I would proactively assist you whenever you visit the hub or via a livestream conversation.

In all eventuality, ‘legitimate illiteracy’ will constitute ‘an entire school’ that every(any)one can school in, irrespective of their ‘levels of literacy; even for ‘cheaper than free’.’

Together, we will fix the growing rarity in the ‘great men’ industry.

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