
thats a proper example

That's the secret of every goal diggers.

Ppl just give up easily.

Practice makes perfect.

But the reviews on net are good!

That's way they never step forward.

successful ppl just stand up again and again

And don't think it was their own fault.

OK, I'll wait. 😩


But normal ppl just complain.

in fact i don't like theater

Why? 😲

i just don't Hollywood

Kinda OCD, I guess.

🙌 nice

Don't know how to give up, right?

Fine, I give up.

Netflix and chill.

no question about it

You have a better choice.

You guys are risk takers.

But that's very difficult to most ppl.

All I want is a great film and chill.

Or badass hero is out of date?

Is it that awful?

Why don't you like it?

that's the difference between ppl

So there always existed 1%..

Wow, that's incisive.

But I like the point.

Smart vs silly.

And silly ppl not always fail.

But smart guy not always succeed.

I can tell you, it's fine.

deadpool told me that


Yap, luck is superpower.

Come on, I haven't checked that!

Is that some kinda boil alert?

yap it's fine

for the next lol

and save your money 🙏

well said

Wise decision. 🕶

They will not have time to rethink their goal.

That's risky.

Not worth it.

Just like you put your time in the worst investment.

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