in #cryptos7 years ago

by SGT, SGT Report.com:

Researcher David Dubyne from the Adapt 2030 You Tube channel joins me to discuss what's really driving the coming collapse.

It's the secret government's don't want to tell their citizens about because nothing can be done to prevent it. It's the grand solar minimum, and the Chinese know it will devastate crops and food production globally which, according to Dubyne, will cause economies around the world to "evaporate due to never ending, escalating food prices and global food shortages." And guess where that will lead us? Dubyne says, "I'm sorry to say, there's not going to be 8 billion people on the planet by 2024."

But first, Dubyne says the Chinese are using Sun Tzu's Art of War as it pertains to geopolitics and crypto currencies. The Chinese are NOT permanently banning ICO's, they are merely CONSOLIDATING their power. Look for the Chinese ICO's and exchanges to be back in January.


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Great interview Sean. We are regularly being set up and controlled by the "powers that shouldn't be," but the really ugly SHTF moment hasn't happened yet. This opportunity will be used to make the next big move by the NWO. The Chinese are one of the major factions of the NWO and they are certainly planning for this. Blockchain currencies and asset digitalization will absolutely be part of this.

In the meantime, I've put together an educational summary of all the current ways we are being manipulated and controlled on a daily basis. Please do have a read of my latest post here summarizing this. I'm sure you will find it to be an excellent overview and very insightful.

Nice when Sean.
Those who haven't yet awakened to the economic apocolypse upon us are going to be ruined. I despair at the folks that still believe the criminals in DC, London and Brussels etc will repair the damage they have done. I guess you can't save everyone but I suppose we gotta keep trying.

If we could have a spiritual rebirth this would all end in a wonderful way.

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 A great interview my friend.

remember the movie soylent green i guess in the 70's or 80's? we are near that scenario. we are living in a dreadful and dangerous times.

David Dubyne is a great finding, an outstanding personality with a great voice, too.

While well taken, and certainly grave, he sounds like another guy who knows nothing about farming. "Nothing will grow at 45"? Just like Global warming, we will simply change what we grow at which latitude. We may have to drop back to oats, rye, and canola in Wisconsin? Okay, with intense focus and breeding wheat is now up to 90bu/ac. And barley, bred less for yield than other factors, already yields nearly 200bu/ac. Sounds like you're going to be growing more barley! Peasants always ate oats and rye because they're more reliable and have better yields. We only grow and eat wheat because we like it better. So we could double our production there without trying?

There are many other factors. Will a disrupted system and variable conditions mean we need local animals to provide low-cost fertilizer and plant a far wider variety of crops so that a few succeed each year? Probably. Well it's your lucky day! Until 1960 that's what everyone on earth did! This massive, mechanized monoculture is inefficient, oil-and-market oriented, and causes boom-busts as well as mass unemployment. It's the enemy of resiliency. So we'd have to employ more people, more hand-work, and less mechanization on smaller farms, a thing we all still know how to do? That sounds easy.

In addition, since our present system trucks most food 1,000 miles and permits consumption of only A-grades, 50% of non-grain food is probably wasted. So with local sales, and permitting B grades, you can double some food availability right there.

Solar minimums cause more clouds and rain. Okay. Do plants not like clouds and rain more than heat and dry? Is gloomy Olympia more lush and productive than Oklahoma? So would we expect more rain in the high plains of Colorado, Wyoming, and Oregon, permitting more of these mass deserts to be productive?

Although a sideline, breeders have continued the extensive seed selection started in the Victorian era. Although small-time right now, the varieties and gene-pool available in seed catalogues and university freezers is unparalleled in history. These can be both bred out and propagated to planetary scale in a just a few years. If what he's saying is true they WILL be scaled up in a few years, long before we get to the deep minimum.

People, we're not doing anything, and yes, that's a choice, for present reasons. But saying we COULD stop production of food if we act like idiots and refuse to change anything even in desperate circumstance is different from saying it's inevitable. We COULD always shut off the coal plants and modern infrastructure that keeps us alive and die in the dark. We're not going to. Neither are we going to try to grow peaches in Canada in an Ice Age.

We can do it all. It only has to be as hard as we want it to be.

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