
Regarding the technological viability of Waves, this in a valuable insight offered by Charles Hoskinson on bitcointalk:

Scorex [i.e. underlying technology of Waves] is a toolkit to rapidly prototype new ideas and models for cryptocurrency development. Iohk's goal is to make scorex a pedagogical framework for universities and researchers to use to both teach students about cryptocurrencies and test new protocols quickly.

The waves project has repeatedly lied to the public. They claimed to have one of my developers working on their project. They represented scorex as a solid platform to build a cryptocurrency on top of ( which it is not). The head of the project called me delusional and attacked my character. Several of the marketers here posted links to reddit posts about me leaving ethereum to attempt to discredit me.

All of this does not change the fact that Waves currently has no product, does not have a stable governance structure, has no independent oversight of the project. They are using source code written by other people and in no way configured to do the things they have claimed.

If you want to throw your money at this garbage, then go ahead. But let me be very clear, iohk and it's partners will have nothing to do with Waves after this disgusting conduct.


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