Are criptomonedas the biggest fraud of all time? FridayRandom

in #cryptones7 years ago (edited)
 There are two kinds of economists; those who want to make the rich richer and those who want to make the poor poorer. -José Luis Sampedro. 

 A former Wall Street financier says he spent a couple of years in jail for  fraud, that everything he did is little compared to what is the biggest  fraud of all time, to be done with the criptomonedas. 

The  Internet today has such an influence that the trends that are becoming  become fashions and then suddenly, everyone is already dedicated to a  particular topic. For example, in the past, when the web  started to become very popular, there were lots of portals that promised  countless activities: news, chats, discussion forums, etc., but it  happened that ".com" became a bubble where many people lost money. Now  the topic is the criptomonedas as BitCoin and it turns out that they  are leaving an indeterminate amount of sites and companies that already  work with this virtual currency. 

 Jordan  Belfort, one of the Wall Street wolves, has warned that "ICO ('virtual  currency sales') is the biggest fraud of all time and that it will  explode many people in the face". The former financier, who  spent nearly two years in jail for fraud and shady financial  management, says the Initial Coin Offering (ICO), used to raise money  for the criptomonedas, is "far worse than anything previously had been done". Their fears are based on how these currencies differ from the traditional ones. 

When someone invests in a company, puts money in it and the profits can be shared easily. With  the cryptones, however, there is no mechanism to distribute the gains  that can be made, and these gains then cause the value of the cryptones  to increase and perhaps even worse, the ICOs are not regulated in the  same way as the traditional money. 

 But beyond  that, there are criptomonedas that are probably an entry fraud and you  are already talking about the cryptonegment bubble, which will have an  ending like the ".com" bubble, where people will lose money and maybe a lot of money. 

Belfort  explains: "This is the biggest fraud of all time, it is so, but so  great the fraud that will explode in the face to many people. It's  much worse, but by far, than I've ever done before. "Belfort is not the  only one who has talked about the dangers of investing in the  criptomonedas. In fact, China has already vetoed the use of ICOs. 

 Until next FridayRandom.

Este post ha sido votado por @lince.

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