I've given into the Cryptokitties craze!

in #cryptokitties7 years ago

Have you heard about Cryptokitties? The game built on the Ethereum blockchain in which you can buy, sell, gift or even breed adorable crypto tokens. Sounds crazy... right!

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I found out about the CryptoKitties game last week because of the Ethereum network being so congested,
naturally I decided to give it a try! It went pretty horrible to begin with. It took about 5 attempts of failed transactions to even get Ethereum onto my Metamask account. Then when I tried to buy a kitty it really froze up, taking around 6 hours for the transaction to go through. During this time I done some research and found out that people were paying a lot more than I was to have their transactions mined quickly. This annoyed me but made sense people don't want to wait to play a hot new game thats just been released ... We all remember Pokemon GO at the start.

So finally I got my transaction through and had my first kitty in my "CryptoKitty Portfolio"

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I was feeling hopeful that I had made a good purchase but one wasn't gonna be enough especially if I wanted to breed them so I set off on my quest to buy more Kitties...I quickly bought one and breed my two cats together... Unfortunately it took a lot longer than anticipated and It gave me even more time to research the game... This time it was all bad news it seems I had bought two .... lets just call them ... Shit! kitties and made a third shit kitty. I was quite annoyed but somewhat thankful that I had learned this crucial piece of strategy.

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Now it was time to sell off the low grade cats at purchase some high grade cats.

My new strategy was to look for low gen cats with rare "cattributes". This would hopefully give the cats a lot more value through time. So find two in my price range with the same Gen... example Gen 5 and rare cattributes. I finally settled on these two.

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Since they've had two darling baby kitties.

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To this point its been fun but to sum it up I've lost some money on my first purchases but hopefully with a better strategy will make it back.
Buying shit kitties is likely just a waste of money so do research first.
Don't skip generations because theirs a lot of value lost in breeding them.
Since its conception the price of kitties has been falling and so will the fees once people stop using it or ethereum speeds up. So if you intend on playing maybe wait a while longer until it balances out.
i think all in all its a very risky investment at this point but who knows what the future brings for Cryptokitties.
One thing I am certain on is the future of blockchain will be very bright and very weird.

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Milk can give some cats diarrhea.

interesting lol

Tylenol and chocolate are both poisionous to cats.

hahahah These crypto Kitties are insane! I even saw some for $200. I don't know much about them other then a couple of posts on Steemit where I saw them.

the original kitty sold for over $117,000 ... insane is right"!

Really???? $117,000?? Someone bought one of these for that much? That blows my mind.

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