Cryptokami A Decentralized Reserve System, a Platform for the Next Financial ICO.

in #cryptokami6 years ago

 CryptoKami is a Decentralized Backup System. The CryptoKami platform is like Ethereum but only for third parties in the financial sector. Financial services organizations launch their ICOs and operate on the basis of Cardano open source with two inventions of CryptoKami created a chain of third generation POS blocks called CryptoKami with their KAMI tokens. At the same time, CryptoKami operates on its own behalf as the US Federal Reserve (FED). This is the key feature and the core technology, with CryptoKami distributing and regulating KAMI tokens under the principle of a mandatory backup mechanism based on the Comreme algorithm (CryptoKami's invention) through the Regulatory Agreement (CryptoKami's invention). Thus, CryptoKami acts as the central bank and financial services organizations operate on the basis of the CryptoKami platform which acts as commercial banks.

CryptoKami acts as a central bank, and financial services organizations operate on the basis of the CryptoKami platform which acts as commercial banks. CryptoKami issues and regulates the total number of KAMI tokens (limited to 210 million) under the Mandatory Backup Mechanism based on the Comreme Algorithm through the Regulatory Agreement, making it a chain of third generation infrastructure blocks for financial third parties and end users.


mandatory maintenance system.

Comreme algorithm (creation of CryptoKami)

Standard contract (CryptoKami innovation)

3.0 CryptoKami block diagram.


 Financial Third Parties

Production and launch of"Blue-Chip" - Exchange of coin futures using the mandatory reserve mechanism. Creation and launch of a cryptographic exchange exchange across the chain within the framework of the mandatory backup mechanism. Production and management of cash savings under the mandatory redundancy mechanism.

Crypto shops.

Crypto Repo Credit.

Cross chain.

Crypto-Fiat rate.

Final Clients

Put resources in ICO CryptoKami under the forced redundancy mechanism. Investing in the next strange budget that ICO directs to CrpytoKami trading on the CryptoKami Stock Exchange "Blue-Chip" - the exchange of currency futures with the trade names forced backup kryptoobmennoy Backup mechanism CryptoKami Exchange under the mandatory reserve mechanism sets the CryptoKami loan to the cash benefits in the mandatory redundancy mechanism.

Crypto shops.

Crypto Repo Credit.

Cross chain.

Crypto-Fiat rate.


 CryptoKami operates as a central bank and financial services organization.


We created the CryptoKami platform with KAMI Tokens to have a strong and sustainable growth over time and frequent use thanks to the excellent applications of the rule of trust and the supply and demand of monetary control. CryptoKami will become the first Blockchain Decentralized Reserve System.


 The ecosystem is based on the CryptoKami platform, where financial services and commercial activities always balance cash flow due to the transparent scientific mechanisms involved. The demand for using KAMI Token is always diversifying and outstrips the limited supply. Innovative business models are based on the legacy of the most advanced financial services models in the traditional encryption or money market. From that, a strong business community can be developed for institutional and individual investors.

Route Map


Analysis of the blockchain industry.

R & D of the basis of the world economy in blockchain infrastructure.

Study of the block chain of Ethereum, Iota, Cardano, Ripple, Stellar, Neo, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle.

Choose Cardano open source as your base.

Two inventions of CryptoKami were born: base of the Obligatory Reserve Mechanism in Comreme Algorithm through the Regulation Contract.

Development of the 3rd blockchain system concept and architecture of CryptoKami.

Develop a web platform for users and third-party project owners.

Development of web purse to receive investments in our ICO in cryptomonedas (BTC, ETH, BCH).

DDOS attack + security protection.

Complete Whitepaper.

January 2018

Begin Develop CryptoKami Blockchain Network ver 1.0.

Build the CryptoKami developer community.

Find a sponsor

Complete website, home page.

February 2018

Complete web portfolio.

Promotion and Rewards Program.

Build the community of CryptoKami collaborators.

Start the ICO campaign.

March 2018

ICO Campaign In Progress.

Test-net launch.

April 2018

ICO Campaign In Progress.

Acquire Strategic Partners to develop Futures Trading Trading Exchange according to the Mandatory Reservation Mechanism based on Comreme Algorithm through Regulate Contract in CryptoKami's 3rd Generation Blockchain Infrastructure.

May 2018

ICO Closing Campaign.

The end user can invest in third party financiers launching ICO on CryptoKami.

Go live"Blue Chip" Futures Trading Trading Exchange under the basis of the Mandatory Reservation Mechanism in Comreme Algorithm through Regulate Contract.

Mass marketing campaigns.

Launch of the iOS / Android wallet.

June de 2018

Coinmarketcap / Coinmarketcap / Coin exchange list (Cryptopia, YoBit,,, Livecoin, etc.).

Start CryptoKami Blockchain Network 1.0 Beta (KAMI Blockchain Explorer).

Start KAMI Staking.

Begin Development CryptoKami Blockchain Network ver 2.0.

Go live Cross-chain crypto Exchange under Mandatory booking methodology in Comreme Algorithm through Regulate Contract.

August 2018

Issuance of Visa / MasterCard cards for payments with cryptomoney.

Complete API + SDK + Docs for third-party financial institutions.

October 2018

Mass marketing campaigns.

Mass media campaigns.

December 2018

List in different exchange.

Go Beta banking services for the end user.

January 2019

Execute the banking services within the framework of the Compulsory Reserve Mechanism in the Comreme Algorithm through the Regulation Contract.

Cryptomon deposit.

Credit repo of cryptomonedas.

February 2019

Cross chain payment.

Crypto-Fiat payment.

CryptoKami 2.0 Beta.

March 2019

Official release of CryptoKami 2.0.

Mass media campaigns.

Mass marketing campaigns.


Currency type: Token independent of Blockchain

Name of coin: KAMI Token

Technology: Blockchain Stake test based on Cardano

Contractual Regulations

Algorithm: Comreme algorithm

POS Ouroboros

Standard: 3rd generation blockchain

Total controlled supply: 210,000,000,000 KAMI

Token Crowdsale: 45,000,000,000 KAMI

Important Links

Web site:

White Paper:







bitcointalk user: Criptosistemas                                                        


Myetherwallet: 0x10aF61e98fB8264d9dc653a32D60319591B303bf   


CryptoKami is a decentralized backup system. The CryptoKami platform is like the Ethereum platform, but is only intended for use by third parties in the financial sector.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 60995.33
ETH 3364.01
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52