Using Credit to invest in Crypto isn't a good idea IMO

My thoughts on people asking if they should use their credit cards to invest.

It is really simple if you ask me

I don't get why people don't understand this simple concept. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. That means if you have to use a credit card to invest, you can not afford to invest. When we invest in companies or in many of our cases Crypto, we call it investing but in reality it is gambling. You shouldn't borrow money to gamble or invest period. It is a bad idea because if the gamble you make tanks you are responsible for the debt. Yes it is great if that gamble pays off, but sometimes the risks are not worth the short term rewards, because it creates a habit in most people and eventually just like in gambling you will make the wrong move.

The safe way to start investing with little to no money

Since you can buy fractions of a coin, the smart bet is to not buy that cup of coffee every day for a week, or instead of going out on the town one night, stay in and take that little bit and invest that into the market. How much do you spend on a night out on the town? $20, $50 something in between or more? Instead of going out, have a night in and invest that money.

Don't even have a few dollars to invest because things are that tight you don't go out or buy coffee out, then there are still ways you can invest without using a credit card to do so. You can sign up for for free it is one of the sites where you invest your time creating contents and or commenting on content, where the users are rewarded for their time in a crypto currency called STEEM and Steem Back Dollar better known as SBD . Many other site using the block chain are starting to pop up that are using the same type of reward system that steemit uses but paying in their own crypto currency. Some already have and some that are in their early stages that will launch their beta sites soon.

I started investing in June of 2017

I started my adventure in crypto currency in June of 2017. When I stumbled upon Steemit. I didn't know anyone using the site. But I like to try new things and decided to check it out. I explored the site, making comments and making my posts. But I had really no clue about crypto currency up till then except that I passed on buying btc when it was at .05 cents a coin. At the time I didn't have the money to invest and putting it on a credit card wasn't something I was willing to risk. Nor is it now. no matter how cheap the coin.

As I started to learn I decided to take $50 of the earnings I had made from Steemit and invest it in another coin. I bought some bitcoin made a $20 profit and took my $50 out for two reasons I was a little nervous about not knowing enough and a family member needed diapers. I let the $20 ride and over the next few weeks I took half my SBD and invested it in btc. Then btc started to jump I decided it was climbing way too fast and decided to sell. 10 minutes later it dipped. I bought back in, and then it started climbing again with in days. Soon I had a couple of thousands dollars in crypto where I started with nothing.

It has now been 7 months since I started all of this. I don't have as much time as I would like to watch the charts and buy and sell during the climbs and falls like I did a few months ago. I am very pleased how when I started this, it started with me investing my time. I want in life what many people want. To be able to live without the stress of how am I going to live. Opportunities to be able to get into something with this much promise isn't something that happens very often.

Steemit has allowed me to see retirement in our future

Because of finding steemit I believe that retirement is in mine and my husband's future. Till this passed year I hoped to find that thing that would allow my husband to retire before death so we can travel and see the world. But the way things seem to go for us, I honestly didn't think there was a chance in hell our lifetime of that happening. But I truly believe we are well on our way.


Hear me out before you laugh at what my account is worth currently.

Yes my account is on the small side. Okay it isn't tiny anymore and my 100% full upvote when I am at 100% is around .50 cents now. A new world was opened to me when I found steemit. Through research I have read predictions about different coins that I have seen come true with my own eyes and it has given me a little faith that long term predictions will hold true. I have read predictions of STEEM hitting $1000 by 2022.

I have posted daily since joining steemit. I comment and interact on the site pretty much in all my free time. If I am not on the site, I am normally in a steemit related chat or posting about steemit on other social media websites. I have no plans on powering down my account till STEEM hits $1000 but even then it will only be from 1 to 3 weeks depending on how much SP is in my account. I want enough to pay off any debt I have left that hasn't already been paid off by crypto though I don't have much debt as it is. I would like to have enough in savings that my husband says okay I can retire.

Investing a little of my time

I hope I can continue building my accounts SP so it is in the tens of thousands of dollars before STEEM hits the $1000 a token trade. I would love to be able to expand my charitable donations. But at the current amount where my account sits when STEEM hits that mark my account would be worth $1,292,354.00 I don't know if the predictions will hold true or not. But what I do know is that I have made around $20K (rises and falls and I could lose it all) since June because I found Steemit. I have cashed out around $10K in all since that time leaving the other half in cryptos. So even if this is some type of bubble and crashes tomorrow, can I say I lost when I was reward for what I was doing free on other social media sites? Some may say yes you do, but I don't since I didn't invest anything other than my time, that I would have wasted on Facebook or some place else.

So don't make a potential bad mistake and use a credit card to get into crypto

If you don't have the cash to invest

Invest your time instead


I am not a financial expert and these are my opinions based off my own experiences. Please do not take anything said in this article as financial advice because it isn't it is just my opinion and was inspired from people on Facebook complaining on a crypto group I belong to about Capital One denying charges for crypto. Meaning they don't want their money risked on a gamble. I agree with the credit card companies


Prudent advice and a good plug for the platform. I'm really the first person I know in my circle that uses Steemit, though I did introduce my brother last month.

I try to invest my time as well, but even that seems to be in short supply these days. In the end, being informed is most of the battle. Once you get into the crypto world and start navigating the waters, it is easy to get comfortable and diversify. But it is never a good idea to leverage yourself with credit to get started.

Just start with knowledge, that way you are prepared when you have money to invest.

i think that anyone of us ,is a financial expert but we have to learn very quickly, the crypto world is grow up very faster. and the result are very profit

yes it can be but everyone is looking for the next big coin, so there will be a ton of people that pick the wrong one. Borrowing money to invest can backfire big time.

Depositing with credit cards can def be bad if not properly managed or financially able to pay it back, we have couple clients that invest in crypto as well and they deposited with credit card for the points they receive. We took the same route with chase sapphire card. But like you said it’s def not right everyone. As always great post and thanks for sharing.

only 35% of people with credit cards pay off their balances every month and use it correctly.

I agree with you no matter what it is you are taking a gamble, and there is no reason to put it on a credit card.

I can't believe people are considering it, yes there are some great gains to be made, if you invest it correctly, but there are like 700 coins out there, many are gonna tank.

I used crypto to pay my bills this month and that is an amazing thing. I have also been investing in hopes that it will help me retire comfortably one day. Kudos to you darling.

I used Crypto to pay some of my bill this month too. Isn't it great?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60063.85
ETH 2313.06
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46