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RE: Speeding Up The Human Race In Order To Slow Down

I wonder if a longer life span would allow you to recover from more mistakes? Everyone has heard and likely found themselves saying - 'if only I knew when I was younger what I know now!'. I know I've made some, unrecoverable mistakes. Things, that by the time you realize are too late in your life span to fix. What ever it may be... relationships, investments, education, where to live or what ever it may be.
I guess to answer your question, I'd have time to try a different approach on a few things. Worry less and effort more! (and on the RIGHT things!)


I think some people are open to learning from their mistakes, others aren't. Whilst the ratios might change, it would still be down to the individual to actually want to learn.

The only way you can learn from mistakes is by examining them in detail, that's just too much for some people.

Things, that by the time you realize are too late in your life span to fix.

Whilst it might be too late to rectify certain mistakes, it's never too late to learn from them. 😁


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