Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 60 - A Legion Of One

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He was lost, the trees were so densely packed together, their trunks gnarled and twisted, intertwined with each other in perfect chaos, it was as if the entire forest was one giant organism. He acutely felt all of the scratches from the tree bark as he clambered through one tiny crevice after another.

He could no longer see the dog, was that it barking? He pressed on, he cried out desperately.

“You won’t defeat me, I’ll never give up!”

The fervour and conviction in his voice took him by surprise, as they didn’t match what he felt internally.

Internal, is that something that even applies to me anymore? Am I even me; or am I Legion?

“You’re not even aware of the significance of that name are you?”

K-Rox was pinned by vine-like branches to a mighty oak tree, his neck was squeezed tight, as were his hands and feet, they were in a clearing, Gladstone stood in front of him.

“You see, we spared you all of that nonsense, do you realise how far back religion held the human race in that time you find so fascinating? Of course you don’t, we took care of that by editing the entire ludicrous episode out of history, or at least the part of history that mattered to us.”

Gladstone stepped close enough to K-Rox that he could feel the old man’s breath on his face. His neck was still so tightly strapped to the tree that he couldn’t tell what Gladstone was standing on to allow him such proximity.

“And Jesus said to the demon, DEMON! What is thy name? And the demon spake upon to him and said ‘You may call me Legion, for I am many!’ And Jesus did cast the demons into a near by pig, which ran screaming to its death as it hurled itself from the cliff.

What about the poor fucking pig I say!?”

K-Rox head turned at the noise he heard to his left, he watched as a small pink pig ran squealing into the forest, he turned back to look at Gladstone.

“You’re stalling for time; what are you afraid of old man?”

“That’s not the question you should be asking right now, you should be asking yourself; how am I doing this; what makes me special?”

The vines released their grip on him and he dropped to the ground, within the next heartbeat the three of them stood in their perfect triangle. Gladstone looked at Stillman but spoke to K-Rox.

“Well; would you like to know the answer to those questions? Though of course before you answer you should consider the fact that I feel like I’m going to show you whether you like it or not.”

Previous Chapters
Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 59 - Quantum Reunion

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 58 - Filling The Void

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 57 - Asimov Returns

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 56 - Face Of Redemption

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 55 - Infernal Baptism

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 54 - Asimov's Inferno

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 53 - Hell Reborn

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 52 - A Chance At Paradise

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 51 - A Time For Death

Asimov's Ghost Summary and Chapter Links 41-50

Asimov's Ghost Summary and Chapter Links 31-40

Asimov's Ghost Summary And Chapter links 21-30

Asimov's Ghost Summary And Chapter Links 11-20

Asimov's Ghost Summary And Chapter Links 1-10

Original artwork by @fr3eze

Original words by Cryptogee


Revelation begins. It seems we are getting to the climax of the matter. It would seem that K-Rox is more than he seems. Why is Gladstone playing around with him?

Similar to Kirito in Sword Art Online, it seems as if K-Rox is surpassing itself in this game and elevating into heights nobody else ever ventures into. Bearing in mind that Malcraft was in this game for eons and still he was again obliterated in a matter of minutes by Asimov, there seem to be secrets as to K-Rox' true identity we never knew about.

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