Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 26 - Shadows Past

k-rox contemplate exterior_newBlur.png

“So it didn’t work then?”

“Apparently not, it was a long shot, we planned to divert him to our relay station for around 400 microseconds, using a temporary QSID environment to try and stretch subjective time long enough to deliver my message to him.”

“What went wrong?”

“Not sure, could have been a psychological response to bringing him out of QSID transfer like that.”

“What did you say to him?”

“I probably told him not to trust anyone, even me.”

“That’s a start - ”

An almost imperceptible pause between them.

“You know, despite your constant insubordination, I do value you Jemima, I thought that was rather dangerous of you to pull that relay move off, I would hate to lose you.”

She was glad he couldn’t see her face, she winced at his words, he seemed to love playing at being her superior, even though he was nothing of the sort. Let the other side play at being toy soldiers, that kind of thing was meant to be beneath her side. She briefly considered her answer to him.

“Thank you - ”

She had phrased it just so that it wasn’t unreasonable of him to expect her to finish the sentence with a “sir”. Instead she left just the right amount of silence at the end of her thanks, then simply snapped their comms link off.

Jemima got up from the low lounge chair she’d been sitting in and crossed the main room of her apartment, from her window she could see the low hills in the distance and to her right the rocky pass at the bottom of Olympus Mons. Her apartment was itself placed on one of the escarpments that led up to the solar system’s highest volcano.

The Martian landscape below her belied the cleaner air in this district, the habbed zones didn’t start for another two hundred clicks, far beyond the moss covered, golden-brown western hills stretched out in front of her.

She thought of their meeting, which in reality had lasted less time than it took a human eye to blink, she wasn't sure if she had had time to give him her little clue, it was small, but it was all she could think of at the time, had he even heard it?

She knew she would have to try and speak to him in the game, she had been trying to avoid that, but there was no choice now. K-Rox had every chance of finding Asimov, and whether he gave its location to aZorl or Ziper, it would be equally as bad.

Jemima had no way of knowing what character he’d be playing, what squad he was with, or what kind of exo he was wearing, she did however have a unique insight into how K-Rox thought, though how she was going to use that to find him she didn’t know, but that insight was all she had to go on.

Jemima turned from the window and strode towards the door, the other version of her would have to wait for its absorption and debrief. For now she would have to get into Krusher and hope that she could find K-Rox, she had been so desperate to tell him everything, about Veritum, about Interim, and most of all, Amorphia. She sighed as she sat down at her immersion interface and attached four trodes to her temples.

“At least he’s on my turf now.”

She uttered the words to nobody in particular, Jemima closed her eyes and sent the thought command to take her onto the Marschain, her last words a mere whisper.

“See you soon my little K-Bot.”

Previous Chapters

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 25 - Mind Loss

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 24 - The Immorality Of Krusher9

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 23 - Descent On Krusher9

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 22 - The Mars Problem

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 21 - Thought Patterns

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 20 - Reality Dysfunction

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 19 - The Lost Scream

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 18 - The empLink Story

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 17 - A Problem With Time

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 16 - Neither Here Nor There

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 15 - At The Edge Of Madness

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 14 - A Sense Of The Real

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 13 - The Search For Truth

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 12 - Empires

Asimov's Ghost - Chapter 11 - Jemima's Gambit

Asimov's Ghost Summary & Chapters 1-10

Original artwork by @nekromarinist

Original words by Cryptogee


She had phrased it just so that it wasn’t unreasonable of him to expect her to finish the sentence with a “sir”. Instead she left just the right amount of silence at the end of her thanks, then simply snapped their comms link off.

My favorite part

Thank you; I enjoyed writing that, it's a rather subtle insult :-)


Hey @cryptogee, I sort of missed this. Ginabot notification has slowed down.

Why do people keep secrets until it's almost too late to do anything about it. Could Jemima have not told K-Rox about Amorphia, Veritum and Interim before now?

In the state K-Rox is in now, would he be able to listen to Jemima?

Sometimes reading the end of the book seems like the best option...😂 suspense everywhere.

Jemima has only managed to speak to him twice, for less than a total of around 20 seconds.

Time is still the most precious commodity, no matter how advanced you are :-)


Yes; time, nothing has been able to slow it down or speed it up. We are still using it up at a terrific pace.

😃 that is confusing!

When Jemima says that K-Rox shouldn't even trust her even though she apparently wants to honestly help him, then to me it's like Jemima doesn't know anything at all either. Like: don't trust anyone but also don't trust my advice.

The "little K-Bot" is rather spooky again. As if she is in total control of him, but maybe that is just how it felt to me.. or SHE is Amorphia yet robotized herself!


Hee, hee, all shall be revealed! :-)


good write @cryptogee
I am a new follwer for you

This is one of the funniest spam comments I've ever had, and it wins you a 1% vote and I won't mute you :-D

I am @cryptogee, not @aggroed, big lolz


yes friend
I am sorry

This is going to be tough to be able to predict the outcome of the market. But one thing am kinda of sure is that they wont put a ban on cryptocurrency. There's going to be lots of attempts at centralized regulations but the specific regulatory guidelines is what I can't say...

So lets hope for the best while hodling on.

Huh, I'm beginning to think there is some kind of bug going on; or somebody's bot has gone mad, either way, this comment is referring to another post.

Let me know, if it's an honest mistake I'll obviously ignore, if it's a spambot, I'll flag.


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