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RE: The Art Of Peace - Changing The Face Of War

I do enjoy these musings, but this is probably the first one I have had enough of a solid opinion to comment about.

I am going to take the more 'Taoist' view and say that 'war' and 'peace' are equal and opposing forces that shape human interactions, but they work in the same way as all the laws of physicals that form cycles of creation and destruction. Just as all the utopian societies are doomed to fail, I think a peaceful society needs a 'destructive' force to help restore a balance that gets tipped too far in one direction.

I guess the interesting thing is whether it is the same people that are fighting each other or whether the old geo-political boundaries no longer apply and that it is the corporations where the battles are fought. Cyber warfare is just a different theatre of war but with the same opponents and there are still casualties and collateral damage, no different to the outcome of any conflict.

To summarize, I think the same forces are at play and I don't think I understand it well enough to be able to predict the cycles and its permutations, but I don't think human civilization is advanced or significant enough to cause a ripple in the vast oceans of the universe.

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