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RE: Having Babies - The Secret Life Of An AI

Laughing out gently at cute, un(re)productive giant pandas.

I agree that AI reproduction is inevitably coming if AI becomes sentient. Also, if this happens, sooner or later AI's natural rights will definitely be recognized. However, will AIs ever become sentient? Is it possible?

According to Ms. Wikipedia:

Neuroscience hypothesizes that consciousness is generated by the interoperation of various parts of the brain, called the neural correlates of consciousness or NCC, though there are challenges to that perspective. Proponents of AC believe it is possible to construct systems (e.g., computer systems) that can emulate this NCC interoperation.

I got a funny thought: if AI starts reproducing consciously, and starts doing so by mixing codes with other AIs of certain technical characteristics, will AIs begin to make, share, and watch some sort of code porn? :D


Haha, yes, poor old pandas, they're doing their best to die out, but we just won't let 'em, the frigid bears! :-)

Thanks for that wiki definition, I hadn't seen it before; you through up an interesting point, and I think it's one that will be argued in years to come. 'Is it really sentient, or is it just able to emulate sentience; and is there a difference? Hmm, maybe the next musing, I'll have to chew on that one :-)

I can imagine code porn; 'Oh yeah baby, hit me with that Boolean logic one more time! Yes abstractions! Oh god an infinite Euclidean curve!! You really know how to turn me on babes' :-D


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