How Drug Cheats Stole My Dreams


When I was a child I loved athletics, right up until my mid teenage years an obsession ran through my veinslike a gushing, babbling brook. I loved all things athletic and in particular I loved Carl Lewis.

Lewis was the closest thing I've ever had to a true hero, his favourite events were also mine. The 100 and 200 metres, the long jump and the relay, these were events that I wanted to excel in, all because of him.

Even though I am from the UK I admired the American athletes in particular, mostly because they were the best sprinters and I loved sprinting and loathed long distance running.

I had my British and European heroes too, the legendary English decathlete Daley Thompson, the Welsh 110 metre hurdler Colin Jackson, and the multiple world record-breaking Russian pole vaulter Sergei Bubka to name but three.

However it was the American sprinters that really caught my imagination and who I wanted to emulate, that is until I found out that most of them were on drugs and that just ended it all for me.

The Drug Olympics

Throughout the years I have heard various variations of the following statement:

They should just allow them to all take drugs and then we can truly see who the best of the best is.

On the face of it this doesn't seem like a bad suggestion, it is essentially saying; if you can't beat them join them.

But this suggestion has never sat well with me, and it wasn't until just a few moments ago when I was replying to an amazing comment left on my post by @rodneysreviews that I suddenly fully and completely realised why.

My objections to that argument before had been that, the reason they shouldn't just let everyone juice up is because that would be unfair to the athletes who don't want to take drugs for the many good reasons that exist.

For a start a lot of people who have abused (or have been suspected of abusing) performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) have suffered ill effects and in some cases died young.

For me one of the most stark cases of that is (in my opinion) Florence Griffith Joyner (AKA Flo-Jo), whom myself (and many others) believe took the male growth hormone HGH which was undetectable at the time of her competing.

I said it at the time, and I'll say it again; her 100 metre world record of 10.49 seconds will either never be beaten or will take at least 50-100 years for another woman to run that fast.

If you look at the times women are running today, some 20 years after Griffith Joyner competed, they are still only running times comparable with the other athletes of her time. And even a 'juiced up' Marion Jones could still only get to within three tenths of a second to Flo-Jo's 21.34 200m record.

Disclaimer: Despite many allegations by people both inside and outside of athletics, it was never proved that Griffith Joyner (Flo-Jo) took PEDs. Nor was it proven that her subsequent sudden death at the age of 38 was due to any illegal drug taking. All statements regarding this athlete are solely the opinion of the author.

A Paradise Lost

I think I have always been attracted to stories of strife and heroes and heroines overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. I think that's why I was so drawn to athletics, because in each one of those stories is a tale of personal struggle...

The above paragraph formed part of my answer to @rodneysreviews on a completely unrelated post and it triggered this current epiphany.

That's it in a nutshell, I love stories of personal triumph; I don't think I'm unique in that sense, many people do.

For me athletics is the ultimate embodiment of one person overcoming insurmountable odds in order to achieve their goals.

I don't mind admitting to you I have cried real tears while watching moments of sporting glory, I literally can't think about Kelly Holmes's 2004 double gold-medal winning exploits without welling up.

Or the memory of Daley Thompson ignoring all the pain and dragging himself over the line in the final event of the final Olympic decathlon of his career to cap a 10 year unbeaten run.

These moments resonated with me because they were where I wanted to be. I saw in these men and women a kind of courage that I wanted to have, to lay it all on the line, to risk failure to get that one moment.

All of this is ruined and degraded if that person has cheated in any way. It makes a mockery of that struggle and I took it, and still do take it as a personal affront, you may as well come round my house and spit in my face and you wouldn't offend me more than taking PEDs in order to beat an honest athlete.

If I had my way, anyone caught doing steroids would have a lifetime ban with no chance of reprieve. Why should anyone who knowingly and systematically cheats be allowed to compete on such a pure and beautiful level?

Where To Now?

As I got older I fell out of love with sprinting as I saw so many get caught and banned (for a measly two years), from Ben Johnson to Marianne Jones they all contributed to a little piece of me dying inside.

I got into the long distance events which seemed to be mostly untainted with the scourge of drugs, however they don't give me the kind of buzz as watching events in that I was actually good at.

I moved from watching boxing to MMA, however the amount of people who get caught for steroid abuse in that sport is rapidly turning me off it. I find it particularly disgusting that a fighter takes PEDs, because of the fact that you could seriously injure or kill somebody who isn't fighting enhanced.

So nowadays I'm less into sport, in some ways that's a good thing because I no longer seek some kind of oblique validation through watching other people achieve things.

In other ways it is a bit sad because I miss being able to be part of somebody else's personal pain and triumph story.

All in all I still want my daughter to grow up being into sport, as in my mind it teaches us something about life that somehow can't be learned elsewhere.

Plus for the fact that not watching or being involved in sport anymore will mean that the cheaters have won; and whilst the maxim cheaters never prosper is clearly false, sometimes they prosper a great deal. In this scenario, I want to make sure that I'm not contributing to that prosperity.



Title image: By rawpixel on Unsplash



Yes... I watch sports too.. As you said in post.. Its encouraging to see achievement of athletes and when they put in lot and win its inspiring too:) nice write up as always.. I always relate to your post... Keep writing

Of course, like the game. Do not like the players who use this game to compete with drugs. Because I think the game is an all-encompassing scale. If you cheat there, who does not win yourself. Instead, all people are cheated. If you want to win then win it properly, then everyone will be happy.

Yes i agree with so much of this post. Sports definitely teaches life skills that cant be found elsewhere. Peds are definitely cheating and does take from the integrity. It would be one thing if they had there own league but even that would be promoting performance over health.

Thank you for the analysis, I always enjoy your ways of analysing things.

As for me, taking drugs is a cheat and should not be allowed. For the sake of the athletes and the sport itself, it should not be encouraged. A strict ban should be given to any one caught using drugs.

The reason why we enjoy sport is when we see people demonstrating a superior abilities in certain field of sport, we looked at them as been so special, they will definitely loose that speciality once we know that everything depends on drugs and not their abilities.

For sport to remain relevant and interesting, drugs should not be encouraged.

Also, the sport personalities are role models to many children out there, what they do, these children want to copy. So, there action don't only affect them nor the sport alone, but the entire population.

That's so sad. I love athletics and follow it religiously but the drug cheats almost killed the sport. Even among the Jamaicans - Steve Millings, Nesta Carter and Michael Frater all had suspensions. Usain Bolt single handedly saved the sport during his time. Iaaf needs to clean that place up or it goes down the drain

I hope at least you found happiness in your choices so far

I've never truly been able to understand the mentality of cheaters, as personally I would rather lose honestly, than win dishonestly because winning dishonestly means you didn't really win. The whole purpose of competing at least for me, is to beat the challenge, either the the challenge of your opponents or, of those you set for yourself, and if you cheat to do that, then you didn't really beat the challenge.

I know there is a lot of money in sports nowadays but i believe most of the cheaters start cheating before money becomes involved, so what's the drive? Your not only cheating others, your also cheating yourself and your sport.

Its going to be real interesting to see what happens when one of these combat sports cheaters actually kills someone in the ring or cage, i say when and not if because i believe its only a matter of time, how will the sport react to it? How will the fans react? How will the other fighters react? But most importantly, how will the law react to it will the law even get involved? Could it possibly be viewed as murder.

100% agree with the life ban, if your willing to cheat to destroy honest athletes dreams after a lifetime of hard work, dedication and sacrifice s, why should a cheater be allowed to continue chasing their dreams.

They should just allow them to all take drugs and then we can truly see who the best of the best is.

I have heard many people make that statement "let them all do drugs, then it will be fair" i have a lot of disagreements and heated conversations over this topic, I am completely against it, in my experience i find that the people who make this statement, tend to be non-athletes and either only casually fans, or not really fans at all.

I guess we just have to leave it for god to sort the cheaters out as the governing bodies of the sports don't seem to be that interested. Love me some sports and will never let the cheaters chase me away, its good for your fitness, its good for your health both mental and physical and its exciting to watch and participate in.

Sorry for the rant, you just touched a nerve with this one.haha.

I'm not into sports particularly (on the professional level).

Sports for their own sake is to be applauded, and would solve the abuse problem if their was no money/notoriety involved.
It is a reality that people will try anything to gain advantage, when the reward is immense.

As a hypothetical question - what is considered a drug?

Carbohydrates for example, are nutritionally irrelevant.
I was on a carb free diet for a couple of years..and when swimming, the lack of energy 'burst' was noticeable.

I used to eat a handful of pasta 40/50 minutes before exercising, and the difference was mind blowing..!

My point being, this is a chemical compound that definitely enhances performance....
Should that be illegal?

It's an interesting philosophical point...

As a hypothetical question - what is considered a drug?

Well as far as performance enhancing drugs that shouldn't be allowed, it's quite clear.

A drug is a synthetically prepared chemical compound that has been engineered to allow otherwise unnatural growth, and/or to aid recovery. When taken it allows the user to grow larger muscle and recover from training much more effectively had they not taken the substance.

Your examples with food are good, however they are completely natural and will not put your body in a state of 'hyper' growth or recovery. Nor will they put any extra strain on your heart (as long as you eat normally).

It is a shame about the reward aspect, however even when athletes were technically amateur at the Olympics we still had rife cheating... I guess they were still being rewarded via endorsements.

It's a crying shame really :-(


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