in #cryptoexchange6 years ago (edited)


Trading is a very normal activities both on the chain and off the chain, everyday people buy and sell goods and services off the chain. That is the same way digital assets are bought and sold on crypto exchanges. Just like there are several crypto assets out there,there are also several crypto exchanges out there that were created to meet the needs of the vast amount of crypto assets as regards trading. Due to the fact that good projects want their native cryptocurrency to have enough liquidity, they often ensure that this tokens or coins are listed on as many good exchanges as possible. Reason why I said “good” is because there are so many exchanges out there that do more harm than good when it comes to token price and management. When it comes to exchanges that are very efficient and loved by traders the list gets far smaller.


• A very smooth and user friendly exchange platform
• Considerate transaction or trading fees
• Enough liquidity to easily flip trades
• Good security

Now if I may ask you, how many exchanges meet this criteria in the current crypto market? They are but a very few . But this features are just a tip of an icerberg of what we should be expecting from the Probit exchange which just launched few days back, precisely the 30th of November 2018. Before I go into details about the probit exchange I would like to remind you that so many exchanges on the crypto market are not worthy to be called exchanges and lack all or some of the features mentioned above .


• Some exchanges are so bad that they lead to massive drop in price of a listed crypto asset which is because of little to zero users or liquidity
• When an exchange has a bad support system they easily frustrate crypto users and discourage them from either using the exchange again or totally quitting from the crypto market
• Loss of assets from poorly secured exchanges leaves users frustrated as well, which is not cool if cryptocurrency is to be widely adopted
• Unprofessional or badly set up exchanges leaves big investors unsure of how genuine and how profitable the crypto market is.
One truth we have to always keep in mind is that we want cryptocurrency to get more adoption, and if that is to happen, it does not only lie on the hands of token creators, the crypto exchange departments also have a lot of fine tuning to do. The good thing is this fine tuning has been carried out by the Probit Exchange platform just before its lauch, the probit exchange is not just a revolution, but also innovation that will surely stand the test of time.
The probit exchange started its pre sale a while ago and it ended on the 30th of November 2018 with a blast, as it was a very successful pre sale, you may wonder why it was so successful? Here is why
The Probit exchange offers all the beneficial features I mentioned above that makes a trader love an exchange.

Capture probit.PNG
Examples of those features include :-

• Fast transaction speed - to the rate of up to 1,500,000 transactions daily
• Professional and smooth exchange platform
• Large liquidity for traders to enjoy from
• Up to 150 cryptocurrency will be listed on the exchange platform
• 24/7 support and care
• Multi language speaking support
• Very discounted trading fees
• Maximum security on the exchange .
• A user friendly platform
• Global exchange presence in prestigious financial markets
Their is also the Prob token which is the native token of the probit platform, the exchange has great plans for the token and I can say easily it would be one of the best tokens in 2019. This is the due to the fact that the project is solidly behind there token and its price. Investing in the prob tokens is a wise decision to make considering all the benefits to be gained as both a holder of the token and a user of the probit exchange . You still have a fair chance to get your own share of the prob token which is going to be on main sale for just 24 hours on the 11th of December 2018. I hope you do not miss out on the great opportunity

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name :- Iyke

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