in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

On-chain Elements
Note that the Treon arrangement was composed – and is being manufactured – on the Ethereum blockchain. Be that as it may, the following form of Treon – which is presently in the underlying outline stage – will be intended to take a shot at one of the up and coming cutting edge systems. Our designers are looking into the potential outcomes to port TPP to either NEO, ICON, EOS, Zilliqua, or Cardano; and opening the engineering to be good with "cross-chains" preparing. All specialized, business, and activities suggestions are under examinations. The group is having specialized exchanges with a few forthcoming blockchain foundation suppliers with the mean to engineer an answer that backings Treon's development designs.

The on-chain components of Treon's answer will be made out of a few interesting shrewd contract parts that will meet up to make the adaptable Treon Payment Protocol (TPP).

Treon Token Contract: "BillContract"

The Treon Token "BillContract" will be the keen contract to intercede and store the responsibility for tokens among accounts. It is the ERC20 token contract. The Treon Token "BillContract" will be the record utilized by Treon to monitor the equalizations related with each address, and also monitoring "BillContracts" and "BillLimiters" related with the "BillAccounts".

This is finished by mapping every one of the addresses to another mapping of their particular "BillContracts". It will likewise incorporate mapping between these "BillContracts" with their individual "BillLimiters". The Token Contract will oversee: Approvals of "BillContracts"; Adding "BillLimiters" to "BillAccounts"; and, Executing "BillPayment".

Treon Token (TXO)

The Treon Token (TXO) will be founded on the TPP biological community. The TXO token is the installment instrument for utilities embracing Treon Payment Protocol (TPP). It will at first expand on the ERC20 standard interface however will broaden the cash exchange process with the goal that cutting-edge installment strategies can be utilities. The TXO token is intended to be not quite the same as present digital forms of money as it will permit complete across the board charging

component to be executed adaptably.

Treon "Record"

The "Record" will be actualized as an open deliver that is utilized to track the adjust of Treon token, "BillContracts", and "BillLimiters" related with that address. The adjust, "BillContract" and "BillLimiters" are found on the Treon token contract depicted beforehand. Note that the Account.

Treon "BillAuthorizers"

"BillAuthorizers" will be particular segments that setup a condition to choose whether a "BillPayment" ought to have the capacity to ask for installment from a "BillAccount" for not. A case utilize instance of a "BillAuthorizer" would be a condition that expresses a "BillRequest" must be executed in the event that it has been no less than 30 days since the last one, or if its sum has come to a $100 (for example) since the last "BillPayment" ask. "BillAuthorizers" can be anchored together in "BillContracts" to make improvement less demanding for utilities to oversee and reproduce.

Treon "BillAuthorizers"

"BillContracts" will be brilliant contracts that speak to an installment connection amongst "Records" and encourage the exchange of tokens between them. "BillContracts" are planned with adaptability and can be executed to permit a wide range of installment components and highlights.

These agreements enable utility suppliers to port their own charging strategies or make new ones through the keen contract, show them to the clients (end purchasers of utilities), validate exchanges before execution, and transmit it for execution on the blockchain. In addition, these agreements will enable the utility suppliers to move their interoperability or cross-exchange assentions charging plans, display them to their biological community accomplices (different utilities, foundation suppliers, esteem included administration providers, and so on.), validate exchanges before execution, and transmit it for execution on the blockchain.

While "BillContracts" can be made with unique code, they can be manufactured separately from a prior arrangement of "BillAuthorizers". This empowers the fastening together of various functionalities into one contract. "BillAuthorizers" can be checked and are more averse to incorporate security issues in their execution. "BillContracts" can be made and conveyed with an assortment of parameters. Any arrangement of a "BillContract" will incorporate a hash of these parameters and these will be checked when an installment ask for is made to guarantee the hash of the pre-characterized parameters coordinates that of the installment ask.

Treon "BillLimiters"

The "BillLimiters" is an on-chain segment that a record client can add to set different quantitative impediments on that Account

Off-chain Elements

We created off-anchor components to help with selection and ease of use of the TPP and guarantee that there is an incredible UI and an outlet for engineers to expand on the TPP. This area covers anything that won't be on the blockchain.

Treon App& Dashboard

For the utility purchaser, Treon application is a dashboard into his/her record to see use and bill subtle elements for the associated utilities, and in addition to interface/separate "BillContracts" with every one of the service organization serving them. The application will have a Notifications motor connected to the record cautioning clients on benefit related occasions like bill due date, moving toward utilization edges, high use, low adjust, and so forth. Such warnings have been once in a while experienced by clients of utilities around the globe and we are concentrating on it as one of the primary differentiators of Treon.

The wallet is the holder of the client's private key as through it the client executes activities on the blockchain. The Treon Wallet will encourage installment communications between Accounts. These communications comprise of BillPayment, submitting BillContracts, endorsing BillContracts, indicating pending and past exchanges, and showing the record's adjust. We created and distributed a model of the App that you can download now from the Android store. The last application will be produced for Android and iOS gadgets as recorded in the Treon guide.

Treon Wallet

Secure, dependable, and powerful wallet to pay bills from one place utilizing the cash of decision. As depicted previously, clients will get dedication focuses while paying with TXO tokens, and that is one of the most grounded esteem includes of Treon. The Treon wallet is worked with the adaptability to enable clients to exchange amongst fiat and TXO and other chose digital currencies. Clients will have various approaches to top-up the wallet with fiat monetary standards: Mastercards (for saved money clients), telecom revive cards, over-the-air top-up, coordinate buy of TXO through biological community accomplices (service organizations and their contracted merchants), or crypto trades.

Since the center incentive of Treon is accommodation, we architected the arrangement and plan of action to empower straightforward TXO to fiat trade work utilizing a single tick. It is an essential hazard relief against crypto instability. As we portray the area on Treon issuance show, we mean to boost utilities to keep up satisfactory levels of liquidity save in TXOs. We will enable purchasers to transform TXO tokens into neighborhood cash when required.


The Treon Payment Protocol Software Development Kit (TPP SDK) is an off-chain set of apparatuses went for encouraging and growing convention appropriation by service organizations. The TPP SDK is intended to give engineers the apparatuses they have to completely use the Protocol.

The TPP SDK will contain a wide range of segments and highlights including: 1. Apparatuses and code tests for utilities to communicate with the blockchain 2. A store of pre-marked and pre-confirmed "BillAuthorizers" to be utilized as a part of "BillContracts".

Treon Digital Platform and API

The underlying variant of the Treon application design which we are presently taking a shot at is moderately unified and depends on the Treon Server. To begin utilizing Treon and tolerating TXOs as a methods for installment, the service organization would need to enroll through the TPP Server to get an API key. Thus, the TPP Server would speak with the utility's SDK where the guidelines for the exchange would be set. These principles would then convert into a "BillContract" focusing on the customer's wallet. To have the capacity to get to the points of interest of the "BillContract" accessible in the wallet, the client would need to filter a QR code created by the service organization for his/her record and related to their profile. On the off chance that the data contained in the "BillContract" is agreeable with the parameters set in the client's wallet, he or she at that point carefully signs it off and the information is consequently sent to the TPP Server to execute the installment. The TPP Server would validate the exchange, which would then be distributed on the Blockchain. At last, the "BillPayment" exchange would appear as a Smart Contract on the Blockchain arrange. The following cycles, Treon is intending to advance into a genuinely decentralized installment framework composed per the service organization prerequisite.
Token information
Token Symbol
Torreon (TXO)
What is Torreon?
Treon is a token-based mobile dashboard and wallet solution specially designed for billions of customers using utilities to settle invoices using block chain smart contract technology. Treon is a new form of private, immediate, verified and trustworthy transaction.
Total supply 1,000,000,000,000,000
allocation 429.7 million
soft cap 4 million dollar
hard cap 25 million
Q1 2017 Initiation and planning of ideas
Q4 2017 Technical architecture and prototype construction
ICO plan and preparation for the first quarter of
2018 Q4 2018 Register encryption exchange token
Q1 2019 Telecom company on-boarding
Q4 2019 Telecom top-up distributor Contract Contract with
the 1st quarter settlement gateway
2020 Q4 2020 onboard electric company
Q1 2021 Natural gas company's smart contract Q1
2021 water entrance practical company
2022 1st quarter Telecom reseller contract development
Q4 2022 all Utility provider's reseller contract will be terminated.
For details, please visit the following website.
Twitter: / TreonNews
BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK;u=2176682;sa=forumProfile
ETHERUM ADDRESS;; 0xc619E93DD1039C5EC66A052ede79fD00c8Ef5D1d

Coin Marketplace

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