in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

WIll it happen? A world where we are all at the MERCY of the government. They will know what we earn, what we spend, what we spend on... And can they just switch us off at their discretion? Credit cards, mobile phones, micro chip implants!!! The mark of the beast...

Where are we at right now?

At present 97% of all the money in the world is digital, and only 3% is hard currency (cash).

Are we a cashless society? Well no, as there is still cash in the world. And if we are heading in that direction, we are as cashless as we will every be. So what is going on?

Well the biggest trouble makers are the central BANKSTERS, after a 100 year experiment of this current monetary system where a group of criminals have been appointed by us as a people are free to rob us blind, and have us willingly slave away in the rat race until we die. And worse... we well meaningly infest the next generations with our slave mindsets just as it was done to us by previous generations.

Look at the last 30 years... As a child I remember my father would come home with an envelope full of cash on payday. Some of it is banked, while much of it is kept in hard currency. What each man and woman did with their money is their business and noone elses. And which part of the worlds they spent it on was up to them. These days, you cannot be employed in a job that pays award without a bank account. Credit cards are encouraged by most service providers, good merchants, as well as government agencies. Banksters love paper trails. They love monitoring what we do and when we do it. They love catching us out to raise further revenue by issuing us fines wherever they find an excuse. Even welfare receivers must have bank accounts to receive welfare checks. I was once in a centrelink where a homeless man was frustrated as he cannot give a bank account number. He argued that homeless people have no address, no contact details, no phones, and sure as hell does not have a bank account.

Are all digital currencies cattle tags for the people? Of course not... We are here on steemit... This is blockchain technology... While Bitcoin have initialised busting a big hole that paves the way to decentralisation. Blockchain technology is still evolving into something magnificent...

It will be used in monetary and many other applications which will put what we work hard and smart for back into the ownership of each individual partaking in it. In the future we will not be at the mercy of banks, brokers, and institutions that we currently NEED to house what we own. A rainbow is coming, and it will welcome us with open arms...

What about cash?

Did you know that I was on a busy Perth street called James street on a Friday night. I saw 2 hot blondes trying to buy 2 slices of pizza of a street shop with a credit card. They did only took cash and refused to sell them the pizza. So needless today $10 cash made me a hero. I even went home with them ;) The rest I will leave up to your imagination...


WIll it disappear? Even when cryptocurrencies are widely accepted by the big players of most industries, and even in a world where every restaurant and gas station have a list of accepted cryptocurrencies displayed on their counter, there will still be cash.

But why?

Aside from convenience is that not only going to encourage crimes like, trafficking, drugs, prostitution, etc?

Well yeah....

But like it or lump it, it is going to stay and it is not up to us. It is these people that need cash more than we do...

  • It is well known that the government relies heavily on the trafficking of
  • Terrorist stunts are not
  • Corruption is allergic to paper
  • Organised crime and government relationships is not based on love, it is based on

Help me out here and tell me a few more examples...

So regardless of cash being only being 3% of the world's currency, it is needed as a vehicle to make exchanges among the wealthiest when they want non disclosure. You can hardly pay a suicide bomber a cheque, paypal, or put Bitcoins into their exchange!!!

So as long as the biggest WRONG DOERS on this planet needs hard currencies to exist, they will still be around. Hey imagine this, if they had no use for cash don't you think they would have abolished it a long time ago?

So worry not... cash is always going to be around as there is a place for it. To most of us, it is something we need to carry a bit of. It is convenient, and it is something we need for simple but important things like street food. Did you know that there are street food vendors all over the world that are millionaires. And it is all cash!!! Here is a good example. The powers that be have tried their best to to electronically tag all of us. They will keep trying, but we all know that hey have lost a lot of power with a new collective awareness on the rise about the truth. And this beast called the internet that makes almost everything transparent and most information available. If not go to the dark web.

I hope you enjoyed this light hearted article. Please upvote, follow, and most importantly resteem as it had been very hard to get decent exposure on anything lately.

Hope you will join me in the comments section. The conversations are my favourite part.

TIll next time, stay safe everyone.





We are cashless bro - cash is worthless ! Great post 👍👨‍🍳

You are right, cash is as good as nothing when it is just pieces of paper backed by fuck all... But as long as the Criminals at the top needs it, it remains a functional currency ;)

May I get a resteem before it dies? That would be worth a million pieces of paper backed by nothing to me lol.

Lol that's it mate hopefully crypto takes over

The people I work with that under 40 usually have no to very little cash on them. Even the smallest of purchases are made with their cards. So at the very least we are well on are way to a cashless society.
Good article. upvoted and following.

Thank you bro... yes the system has engineered the situation to minimal cash.

If you can resteem for me that would be super ;)

Cash is still around and I don't really see it going anywhere. Like @rlh100 said, even the smallest of payments are being paid with alternative methods. But most definitely plastic and digital forms of payment are going to take over. No doubt about it.

I do believe the time will come that instead of a physical wallet, we'll have a digital wallet on our phone with crypto and government issued currency. Everything would be a lot faster and more convenient.

For us civilians yes :)

As always great post - I think my grandmother could predict the future - she always said one day we are not going to walk around with money in our purses (and this was when I was a little girl looooooong time back).....can just imagine her going off about Steemit

Nice one! Thank you for sharing this ^_^

We are in exciting times, where we have a lot of great opportunities!

I like the photos lol you're so creative.

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