Verge: This is gentlemen!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Verge has exploded in value, rising more than 1000% in the past week alone!

Verge, a privacy currency, has rocketed past all opponents in growth over the past week, dipping only briefly during the tumult yesterday before carrying on to all-time highs.

About one week ago, this coin was selling for a mere 2 cents USD. Today, the 16 billion maximum circulation coin is hovering around 25 cents USD, resulting in a market cap around $3.5 billion. This is a rapid rise, by any measure, but especially so, considering the precipitous drop the market experienced yesterday. In satoshis, the coin rose, in a single week, from about 200 satoshis to the current value of 1600 satoshis.

Verge is promoted as a privacy coin with a Tor-enabled wallet that obfuscates IP addresses between sender and receiver, with fast block times (every 30 seconds), and high transaction speeds. The upcoming Wraith protocol will enable senders to choose whether to send currency publicly or privately, so it can be used for a variety of purposes, whether the sender and receiver prefer to have publicly recorded or private transactions.

I believe this current pump is being caused by investors who may know a little more than the average trader and are possibly aware of the timing of the release of the next stage of the Wraith protocol. This release could happen literally any time now, and will bring a significant boost to interest in this coin.

Some are suggesting prices of $5, $10, or even $15 (good ol' John McAfee), which is an absolutely astronomical value for a coin with a 16 billion maximum circulation. The $15 valuation would put Verge at the same market cap as almost half of all cryptocurrencies put together! A little too optimistic, maybe...

More realistically, but still an incredible gain, would be a valuation of around $1 USD, which is still a very significant presence in the cryptocurrency market. This would be nearly triple Monero's market cap - no small feat.

I was feeling optimistic last week when I wrote about this coin reaching 25-35 cents USD. This would put it in line with Monero's market cap - the best known of all privacy currencies. Now, $1 does not seem unrealistic at all. Hold on to your Verge!

*This is not professional trading advice - just my opinion! Only risk what you can afford to lose in cryptocurrency!

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I was going to get into this, but i didnt and i regret it deeply. I’m waiting for a good dip to get in

That's too bad. It's not too late, I believe. There could be a dip coming soon, but I have a hunch that this is accumulation before an announcement or release, so it might go way up from here.

Just to note: This literally is a hunch. I could be completely wrong. I hadn't even heard of this coin until last week lol

True. That very well could be the case..... ill do some digging around and see what comes up. If something big is in the works ill be sure to let you know as well

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