Bitlandia (5-23-17)


    Explaining the Wealth Advantages of Bitcoin 
           as a Trip to a Foreign Country

When you travel to a foreign country you find a place to
change your currency into the local currency. Imagine that
five months ago you traveled to Bitlandia and bought bitcoin.
You spent some and came home and forgot about the BTC and
then changed what you had left and were very surprised that
when you change it back it buys four times as much as it did
You didn't physically travel – you traveled in time. What you
changed your money into grew in value due to demand for a
scarce currency that not only holds its value over time, but is
very usefully in internet transactions.
Since most 'brick and mortar' retail places do not take BTC or
other digital currency, yet, there are conversion cards that
work like debit cards to allow purchasing. The great thing is you
hold your wealth in BTC which holds and grows in value
and only convert it as needed. If it happens your normal currency
is worth more or is more convenient just use that. Now you have
a choice. For as slightly higher fee most cards will allow withdrawal
of cash from ATM machines.
It is very satisfying to buy $40 worth of gas and know that you
actually are only paying $10!! I did this yesterday.
Direct purchases with digital currency are just starting, but like
credit cards, it's taking awhile to catch on. I expect a huge change
in the next three years. I think you or someone you know will have
made such a purchase before three years are up. DASH looks like
it may be the most used. Likely there will be many choices. Once a
merchant accepts one digital 'coin' it is easy to add another.
There are many videos on YT showing various ways to buy BTC
and other crypto/virtual/digital currencies. One way is though
Coinbase which uses a Visa 'Shift' card for the conversion.
The 'learning curve' is well worth the effort!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62716.82
ETH 2447.73
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65