Blockchain and The New Internet - Protocols: Big Key(s) Here

sharing economy.jpg

This relationship between protocols and applications is reversed in the blockchain application stack. Value concentrates at the shared protocol layer and only a fraction of that value is distributed along at the applications layer. It's a stack with "fat" protocols and "thin" applications. FAT PROTOCOLS

The Sharing Economy

It's the base layer protocol of the internet. Peer to peer networking exchange. It's a transformative point when you really investigate the existing business models of our world.

So much business has been operating from a starting point of "zero sum game"...where the relationship is that of a "win/loss". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that so long as there is this divide between winning and losing...that we have a less than optimally efficient and effective business model of greatness.

A win/win model will always reign superior over a model based upon win/loss.

Think about it this way:

About 3 billion people are basically excluded from world markets. Are in some level of poverty in comparison to the standards of living in the western world. The number of less than stellar living conditions increases when we factor in the quality of life of many people living in first world countries who are either wage slaves or debt slaves....or both.

Point is this:

It's way more valuable to your existing business model to include the biggest network you can to your business/services. By restructuring the ways in which we think of value/services/business we are opening up a real paradigm shift in our operating systems. It is obviously way better to have a vibrant market of 7 billion people ...participating in comparison to that of 3 billion. By creating a playfield that's easy to access...we encourage and cultivate the best innovations and development. We are already seeing this here on Steemit with the STEEM Blockchain.

In posts to come I will continue to open up the massive potential here with Internet and Cryptocurrency and provide some of the nuts and bolts as to How and Why this happening and how in fact this is Brilliant. There's a lot of science and math to explain these things - my goal is to share/present things in a down to earth way that is easy for anyone to understand and know.

Here is a few additional links which will add value to the reflections possible in my post here today:

Cryptocurrency Resources for Non-Technical People

Shared Data Layer - Blockchain Stack

Fat or Thin - Cryptocurrency protocols

Cheers to an extraordinary 2018!

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Thank God for the quick change in technology, it's the swift that helps majority to do that impossible things.

Thank you for your comment. When I first read your comment and I see the word "swift" I think of the traditional banking system...and I have mixed feelings about the traditional banking system as many many people throughout the world are deliberately excluded from the banking system....and the banking system runs on what is called the 'swift' network.

I don't think that's what you meant with your comment - but the point popped up in me so I figured I would share.

I totally agree with you - we are now at a point with technology where we can have a leap frog effect and we can work on creating changes where they've been suppressed.

Cool to connect here - thank you for your comment.

The new term may be .... p2pconomy :)

that's really great:


maybe we can even shorten to:




or just


ok - thanks for the share - stimulated my thoughts on the matter :)

Well, only p2p would not be the right choice because that is simple torrent file sharing. But the other three are very good examples.

The future is promising for the Blokckhain . I hope that the whole world, especially the poor, will benefit from the development of the Blockchain . The topic was encouraging and rewarding. I hope you will be thanked for your participation and optimism .

Just imagine along with time those people getting in what a huge impact that will have

i will be looking forward to your next set of post to know more on this :)

whole of the internet is the greatest concept and the model is going amazingly well

big economy the bigger is the key gets ;)

Excellent work I liked it so much I wish I could continue your work on this as I will give you all the support I hope you will support me if possible Thank you for your time

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