Bitcoin Opens Pandora's Box for Regulators - Why this is good for Retail Investors


There's so many layers into the money markets of the world.

Going real deep into monetary policy and economic reform can be a tediously tumultuous process.

Fortunately with the advent of Bitcoin - we have a ground breaking technology here that is at the forefront in challenging the 'inadequacies' of our current world financial markets.

The 1 in maybe 500 years invention within Bitcoin is: "Triple Entry Accounting".

In a previous post I outlined the 7 Network Effects of Bitcoin

7 Network Effects are:

  1. Speculation
  2. Merchants
  3. Consumers
  4. Miners
  5. Developers
  6. Financialization
  7. World Currency

The process of exploring bitcoin is a sort of 'enlightenment' process journey. "Enlightenment" from the perspective of gaining and garnering insight into the mechanics of how our world functions in regards to all matters of "accounting/economics".

It's interesting because it's like the economic theories that have been presented throughout history are being hacked in terms of their legitimacy being questioned.

Many call this a "paradigm shift".

What's most fascinating it the depth of engagement emerging in getting into the legal gymnastics with regards to existing alphabet agencies that specialize in the legalese of word gymnastics. Consequently - much exposure is coming to the very ways in which our society functions....and the average individual who asks questions is getting a top level elitist education in matters of economics.

The paradigm shift is largely to do with "awareness" opening up in terms of Accountability"... It's sort of a tragic comedy in the sense that the world has been so historically veiled with various bodies of deception....kind of pulling the wool over the sheep/public....

Here is an in depth look into the heart of the regulation situation with regards to bitcoin and some of the questions and concerns that are emerging in the agencies of control and regulation.

Unites States Senate - SEC and the Future of Bitcoin (full video discussion)


  • write things down when you watch the video - like the things that you are not really sure about. This is a helpful exercise in integrating new info. just write down the key terms that are unfamiliar. This will work like planting seeds - it's easy to afterwards expand on the foreign vocabulary.

  • lot of interesting points raised in the video. Please do share your comments and criticisms.

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Oh - Almost Forgot!

  • There's so many different kinds of regard for people/consumers/'s a fascinating exposure into the regulation agency bodies on the premise of "protection" and "safety". Truthfully, there's some good stuff there - but a seemingly bigger issue is that the entirety of participation within a world system is far too "wordy"...and so we have a world catered to "lawyers" who know how to make sense....know how to word play things for the company/corporate structure.....while the "average dude" the "retail investor / consumer"....also known as the "weak hand"...."the less informed".....the "not so in the know"....."without the hookups"

  • Point being - there's some support emerging...and some added legitimacy being created as a result of the seriousness and steadfastness in movement on the part of the united states SEC.

  • Your average friend or family member is more likely to purchase Bitcoin or Alternative Currencies once there has been more confirmation and instruction from the channel 7 - 6pm Mainstream News broadcast. Basically saying - now it's safe for you to participate and get involved.


It sucks that bitcoin could help destroy the USA government. On the bright side though maybe some needless regulators can get laid off. lol

If anything - I think the usa government will step up to the plate and become better. I never thought I would say something like that. I think the process is somewhat extensive....but in a way the usa government has been marginalized since the inception of the federal reserve...which isn't actually owned by the federal government....but a private company. "The creature of Jekyll Island" is a really good book which goes into this in a a really cool detective like fun to read kind of way.

Too much socialism and debt never ends in success. Maybe someday we will make cuts but we are expanding instead of cutting. I suppose a straight up more honest inflation tax would have been better than the Fed.

I might start accepting crypto for my custom foot supports.. even may redo my whole website to accept litecoin bitcoin and STEEM

ohhhh man - that's awesome.

probably will be a somewhat slow terms of getting many payments coming in the form of crypto.....but man - I think that's a really good call.

the more we dive deep into the sea of blockchains the more we learn and get enlighten up

The mechanism i understand it at first was a bit complex but now i could know more about it with such great details i love to know more about it every damm day :)

the main issue of regulation was regarding the ico's that are happening many investors have complained about the risk it is generating which is rightly true

Nice post! By the way I just did a post where i talked about the pros and cons of trading or Hodling Please check it out!

The paradigm shift is largely to do with "awareness" opening up in terms of Accountability"... It's sort of a tragic comedy in the sense that the world has been so historically veiled with various bodies of deception....kind of pulling the wool over the sheep/public....True for bitcoin:) Thanks

Crypto/BTC is a great way.The earliest way to get rich and not just make money with crypyo is to buy BTC and hold for year or two..........

Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice helpfull & bitcoin information. thank you for sharing @worldclassplayer

            UPVOTED  &   FOLOWED

cryptoes are future

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