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RE: DIY Tube Video Community Improvements & Updates

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

When are you ever going to do this Troy Reid,
founder of the account?......


By taking subscriber money monthly and NOT doing this as promised
among the other dollar categories and promises of exclusive video content...


Keep in mind Reid mentioned yesterday he's thinking of restarting his Indigogo account.
Another avenue to take your money and give Nothing in return.


I dont get your complaints. Patreon members got to see videos. They got what was offered.

Not one person on there complained.

Only you trolls.

But you guys complain all the time anyway.

So, I still do not get your point.

Anyway, DIY Tube Video Community is the place to be now.

We pay everyone for all activities on the site.

Members get paid in DIYT Coins for video views, comments, thumbs up and more.

And its a troll free zone :)

Nobody will ever have to suffer this sort of harassment on DIY Tube Video Community.

You don't get it @thediyworld, @diy-tube-video because you are morally bankrupt.

If you would care to state more specific claims I would be happy to help out with answers as well as I can.

But your statement is too vague and not really able to be answered properly.

After being the victim of 6 years of harassment due to YouTube opening up to trolls -

one thing is very certain.

DIY Tube Video Community will not tolerate harassment, plagiarism, spam or other abuse.

Its a troll free zone :)

Anyone that exposes your LIES, FRAUDS, DECEPTIONS, SCAMS is a troll, right? Exposing the truth of a con man is a honest righteous thing to do.

Well, you constantly write very harsh and criminal accusations against me.

But yet when called out to show any real hardcore proof - you just rant and curse at me again.

Makes me think there is absolutely nothing to your words but simply bullying.

Actually it goes beyond bullying because it is criminal to make such claims.

Show all your software purchase receipts for the video server and for all 40 mining rigs you have running in 'chalet'. That would be lots of purchased operating systems. Everything is pirated right? Poor little LYING SHIT STAIN of a SCAMMER busted again. Show your proof and while you are at it show your discharge status to disprove your STOLEN VALOR Mr NO VA BENEFITS, lost my records, lying asshole.

The mining rigs have nothing to do with a video sharing site called DIY Tube.

Now, you have some pretty harsh claims.

Please feel free to state actual hardcore facts to back up your claims.

Otherwise your words are criminal harassment only.

All related cause done by same LYING SHIT STAIN of a SCAMMER. Show your purchased software receipts for all the warez running in your business machines. The criminal is the guy using pirated software which is you. Simple to fix this by showing your receipts but you don't have any.

all the proof you want is on for everyone to see even you troy reid @diy-tube-video

not families troy reid.. we only vow to reveal the truth of you troy reid, personally. not your family at all. just YOU! stop telling fibs and stretching truths into lies and tell the plain truth for once in your life... i doubt you even know what the truth is anymore after all the years of lying about it and everyone...

On YouTube all we ever did was make videos of our lives on the homestead for your free entertainment.

No fraud or scam there.

Now we are paying for a site where people can upload videos.

And we are paying them to do it.

Looks pretty cool to me.

And a lot of people are joining as well.

So something must be turning out right.

Oh, and its a troll free zone :)

I wonder why you spend so much of your energy complaining the same narrow rhetoric over and over. Looking at comment after comment its the same. "....all we ever did...." and trolls this, trolls that..... You drone on and on and on. Do you honestly think you gain anything by your actions? Look around, there is nobody listening to your argument that will change anything to your favor. You think you are defending yourself but what you are actually doing is showing how childish you are. If your "world's greatest" website is as great as you claim, I would think a person, such as yourself, would put all the energy into that. I am amazed at how foolish you are attempting to sell people of your self grandiose visions when other only see it as a facade.

Well, the funny thing is you upset with me for posting the same answers.

The ironic thing is you guys posting the same aggressive insults and attacks.

Your friends claim I am a fraud, blah blah blah.

I repeat that all we ever did was show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you dont believe, that is fine. Its free entertainment afterall.

If you dont like us, simply go away.

Its really all so simple.

Fraudulent misrepresentations of your alleged so-called "daily life" and fraudulent so-called "homestead".

Hey, if you dont believe us just find something else to entertain you.

But harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

No, we do NOT beleive you.
That's why we're all here warning others of your deceptions.

I've never watched for the "entertainment" value.
Other than the fact there is NONE.
But started watching because you claim to have DIY channels.

Turns out you offer NOTHING DIY.

It's more like How NOT to Do Something.

Nobody is harassing your family online
or in the real world.

Grow up.

nobody is harassing you or your family in the real world troy reid. show us proof of real world harassment at your home or in town or at the store etc... show us police reports... if i was being harassed in the real world i would have video and pics and police reports of said activity... why don't you?

we are waiting for your proof of real world harassment troy... that would be harassment off the internet in person face to face to which you should be able to provide police reports for and video or picture evidence...

  1. There is no emotion in my writing therefore your claim that I am "upset" is invalid.

  2. There is no reference in my writing about being affiliated to "you guys" or "your friends". Just because many are pointing out the same issues does not equate to being "friends" or associated with "you guys"

  3. You conclude by repeating the exact behavior outlined.

Your logic is defective. You refuse to even entertain the questions presented. You just spew the same thing over and over. Even parrots can do that. You want people to respect you? Of course you do. Then why not quit the parrot responses and answer the questions asked?

What do you hope to gain by playing the helpless victim?
Do you actually believe there is anyone on your blog that can change your plight?

I finally realized why I have followed you over the past several days. You are like Inspector Clouseau heading into a situation he doesn't understand but the audience knows trying to warn "don't go in there!" Clouseau then makes his blunder and the audience shouts, "i told you so!" Just like the character Inspector Clouseau, you don't learn from from the mistakes you make and just like a parrot, you repeat them over and over.

The entire 'homestead' was a fraud, deception for youtube cause you lived in apt. nearby. You were busted for 'shitting in the woods (forest), you dirty bastard. Then you rented outhouse for weeks then rented room in apt. Your entire life is a fraud and lie. Receipts please!!!

You misrepresent EVERYTHING.

That is called Fraud and a Scam.

Creating a new video site won't change a thing in your M.O.

There you go again making these vague statements.

It is impossible for you to gain credibility with such vague claims and no backing.

Empty rants of fraud and scam are just that. Empty.

DIY Tube Video Community pays for everything.

We pay for the server.

We pay for the cloud storage.

We pay for development and testing.

We pay for it all.

And we even pay members in DIYT Coins for activity on the website.

Looks pretty good to me.

And, with 10 new members joining daily, it looks like other people feel the same way.

Join DIY Tube Video Community and get paid for doing what you enjoy!

(Unless you are a troll. Its a troll free zone).

All I'm doing is providing a public service.

What you don't realize is most people have principals.

Your claims of "paying" for something doesn't mean shit nor does it absolve you of your ignorant shortcomings.

news flash troy i have 3 accounts on diyt and you have no idea what they are...

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