VISIO: Creating a Blockchain System Built for the Average User

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Blockchain Technology is Complicated but Visio will Make it as Easy to Use as Possible

One of the biggest hurdles for mainstream adoption of Blockchain Technology is the highly technical aspects of using it. If you're a developer within the Blockchain space its pretty cut and dry but for the average user it can be a huge undertaking to understand all the complexity under the hood. Visio takes note of this very seriously and our development team is hard at work with users at this very moment to ensure a user friendly experience that even your grandmother can learn fast.

The Visio Platform has two major use cases that we must tackle for both sides of the user audience so the experience between both parties can easily use this system to their benefit. First and foremost is the content creators that will use this system to embark on a partnership with using Visio to distribute their work to their audiences. Content creation alone is a job in itself and we feel firmly that we should not put extra work on those wanting to use our platform to get their decentralized and distributed content into the right hands. So right now this is being tweaked and tested on very full time in order to make it as simple as click, upload and share for those planning on making fair use of Visio for their needs.

Another side to the coin is the actual audiences that will partake in using Visio to find the content they desire. We have high hopes this will become a one day mass adopted system and in order to make this easy on audiences we are putting together a very easy search system for those on the hunt for new media to view. Whether its film, music, documents, or even simple photo sharing...we want to make the experience of finding what you want as easy as search, click and load for everyone.

The Task of Turning Blockchain Complexity into a Friendly User Interface

The biggest undertaking at this stage for Visio development is making sure this ambitious system does right by the users that will put this to daily use for themselves. This is no easy task but one we feel must be done right and why we are hard with the testing phase right now before allowing this amazing system out to the public. Inside we will have a massive Content Management system, user profile systems, and many unique features so each audience member and content creator has something they can call their own.

Our system will also have a msternode in place for the distribution and storage of the files you share. This as well is being built up towards a user friendly direction on the end of those that share their content and something we firmly believe should have all the bells and whistles without creating user headaches or vast learning curves to get started with Visio.


Luckily Time is On Our Side

The good news is this, our dev team is already steps ahead of the progress and now with a little extra benefit from our Alpha test phase to be hands on with users to make sure the experience is tweaked, fixed, and enhanced for public consumption. There is no need to have technical knowledge to use Visio come launch, all you need to have is a creative spirit, a desire to receive your content in a distributed decentralized manner and our team will do the rest. We are fast approaching the reality of the Visio concept and amazing times are ahead. The days of centralized restrictions maybe a thing of the past soon thanks to Blockchain Technology. Be prepared, Visio is striving very hard to make this platform like nothing you seen before!!

-The Visio Platform Team-

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