The fear of the unknown basically in Africa few education is done on digitalisation and digital new revolution of digital currency ( Cryptocurrency) most people are not aware of this new ara of global digitalisation. So for more people to get to understand the new era of digital currency alot more as to be done . But in this recent times more countries are now trying to explore more in this new era of global Village where every thing is moving so fast by the help of resent technologies coming up every time .


In my country Ghana in recent times Technology has become the major work force for fast development in the country's economy through digitalisation. The good thing about this is that the current government main focus now is about incorporating digitalisation in all walks of life, from Moblie banking, mobile money, digital drones for distribution of blood donation to the rural parts of the nation (Zipnet Ghana), and even trying to implement Electronic passport.
All this new technology is helping make people lives easier in doing things in this modern world Africa.
With mobile banking is a way of merging your bank account with your mobile device which allows you to easily transact business between your bank accounts and your mobile money account on your phone.

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With mobile money services its allows you to save your money on your mobile device through a mobile money vender. How it's works is that you go to the vender and you give your physical cash to them and they put it on your mobile wallet as your deposit and with this mobile money you can purchase goods and services with the money on your mobile phone electronically you can transact any business.


Zipnet Ghana is a company the help developed a drone delivery service in the country now, but they mostly deals with medical supplies, blood transfusion deliveries to the rural parts of the country where its not easily accessible to land transport, so with technology its been easy for the people there to access medical services easily.
With the E passport is where the government is try to link the National Identification Card with the passport details of an individual so if you wanna travel, you don't have to necessarily present your usual paper passport.
With all these technologies coming to Africa so fast its making lives easier and comfortable living live here.


Also we need more education on the new digital currency (cryptocurrency), once people get to know more about it and start to believe more in it then it's will become more acceptable in most African countries, because with crypto coming to join the rest of the other technologies it will help in making Electronic transactions more easier and accessible everywhere.

Previously in the past we have had a lot of mistrust in our financial systems in Africa. Where people given opportunity to run Financial institutions have mismanaged the system by taking advantages of the customers, financial mismanagement, Where people in authority have misuse customers funds for their own personal benefits.
Financial institutions creating ponzy schemes and pyramid schemes, all these practices have made it difficult for Africa governments and its people's to adopt the digital currency (Cryptocurrency) .
In Ghana CRYPTOCURRENCY is not legal currency because its not recognised as a legitimate form of currency.
The reason is that all forms of currency must be supported by the Central Bank of Ghana, which have not yet approve the use of Cryptocurrency.


In conclusion digital life style is catching on in all aspect of our lives, it will get to a time without any knowledge of technology it would be difficult to advance your self or your business in any sector. So I believe more education has to be done to enlighten the upcoming youth.
And by and by people would get to understand the use of technology to the help of human lives. Imagine being able to link all the globe together, how easy it would be to do things together example is like just being in Africa and you easily been able to be connected to a powerful world 🌎 called STEEMIT.COM and being able to have a great opportunity to express your selve and explore more great opportunities on it through technology and Still being able to be part of great community of friends that through the help of technology you get to learn and learn more.
At the end you get to understand more digital currency (CRYPTOCURRENCY) and also get the have opportunity to have a Shere of it, all through the help of technology.
All said and done is a really great opportunity.


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