
Question: Aren't bank notes in America no longer "debts" on behalf of the Fed, as you describe them? I thought that whole concept went away when Nixon abandoned the gold standard in the 70's.

Up until that point, each dollar was in theory redeemable for its worth in gold. But now, without a gold standard... they're just pieces of paper that we all agree to assign a certain value to. Am I wrong?

Up until Nixon abandoned the gold standard dollars were warehouse receipts. Each note was (theoretically) redeemable at face amount for that much gold (or silver) presumably at spot market prices.

That made fractional reserve banking pretty tricky.

Really? Because Emergency Powers didn't mean that they could Confiscate all the gold and claim it as Sureties for the Debts of a then Bankrupted The United States of America, Inc, which had no claim to that gold. Gold and silver are both in the hands of those that have filled their coffers and coffers for generations with them. They are the producers that manipulate the markets at will. There was no trick to any of that, it was simple and not sophisticated but secret, it only required people jab about the mirage of "Emergency Powers" which they though was so real, yet ultimately that is what allowed all that.

All that has happened has been done either in secret, like the Secret Treaty of Verona, or the Councils Of Nicea, The FED RES Act, or under false pretense and in complete criminality. The only trick is that people don't discuss these things sensibly and ask some very important questions, which like this post has done, will leave you with a clear sight of what insanity is, and the unnerving dismal WTF! which falls as a guillotine on the heads of all those that failed to do something.

Fortunately there have been a few torch holders, a few that have dared to walk into the lions den, a few that dared to face the obvious elephant and query the intrepid and the way to freedom and justice has been reestablished both through the Private efforts of people leaking information and the Public efforts of people challenging the fundamentals and refusing to make a deal with the devil while making a devil of the details.

All central bank money issued (printed or otherwise), is debt based. It has interest to be repaid on the the issuance of the money.

The money 'backed by gold' was a mechanism of trust.

It isn't connected. Not for loooong time, anyways. Way before nixon coming of gold.

Hmmm I'm having a hard time understand who the debt is TO if there is no tangible token backing the United States Dollar asset.

"It has interest to be repaid on the issuance of the money" - who gets this interest? when is it repaid? Can you reword this, I'm trying to grasp the concept but so far not succeeding.

the central banks get the interest - off money they have created out of thin air!
Watch this video.

That will hopefully explain the massive con.

. you tube ' jekyll island '- that will put you on the right track.(the historical background for the US)

Jekyll Island is where the Debt was passed onto us. Interest on the money printed is one part of the Fraud. The main part is that Roosevelt vouched all of us, our body, our property and our labor as sureties for the bankrupted The United States of America Inc (inc 1868) without our consent or without any right to act as a fiduciary over our estate. This is done by creating a Trust in our lawful Trademarked Names which is Constructive Fraud and Identity Theft, and passed on these odious debts onto us simply by letting us assume that we were the Person (straw man) simply because it's our name. Unless we rebut that presumption we are their bitch and then we must hold their feet to the fire for this festering cesspool built on the crimes of Personage and Barratry and this Constructive Fraud built on top of Semantic Deceit or it will continue.


That's a little too technical (in my humble opinion) for answering a guy who is asking about , the principal of interest, and debt, and about how it all works.

Good, I was mostly talking about where the debit is from. Interestingly the Interest is paid from all the taxes the Federal collects, it goes to an account and zeroes out a bit of the interest on the debt.

That is why it's sad and common to see how ignorant some people are when they harp about all these taxes they pay for education or healthcare or god damn immigrants, and you point out to them that they don't even pay for SHIT, and they always slide past that point or go silent after that.

They are Backed by Oil if they Are US Notes, if they are what we usually have in our wallet they are FRN, which are literally IOU notes. The part you are wrong on is that nobody, as in WE, agreed to assign a certain value to, this has been monopolized through fraud and deceit of the highest order and imposed onto us without remedy.

A gold standard or any commodity is bound to suffer from hoarding and speculation based on manipulation of supply which cheats all who don't produce and those who don't produce as much. When a shortage happens the results are catastrophic. Last time we denounced the divine right of kings to rule and the 13 colonies said Fuck You, albeit much more polite but the same sentiment to the numerous Kings and Queens that otherwise claimed to reign over them. The game is still the same: Fill up your coffers with ill-gotten gains.

For a sane look at what money is and isn't I recommend

Judge Anna was speaking of a Currency that is Backed by the Whole World, all it's resources and the potential value of those resources (do you fill like a megajurasicwhale yet) and divided up among people. I imagine this could be done through a consensus and on a weekly basis and nobody could undermine it as it's backed by the ground they walk on and air their lungs are taking in. This would form a Credit system which is rightfully ours as our dominion requires we are landlords and carers of the land and our estate should be in our hands upon age of responsibility.

The USG acquires the physical bills from the FED at face value via a loan. It borrows the fresh greenbacks from the printer thereof at interest. Each note represents a debt to the FED that the USG owes. The USG can back the notes with gold if it wants, and creditors find debt backed with collateral to be more attractive.

IIRC, when the USG stopped collateralizing dollars with gold, the price of gold was about $35/oz. Now it's upwards of $1300 - 1400, and that is really how much LESS dollars are worth. Gold is a remarkably stable store of value.

In Roman times you could get a good Toga, a pair of well made sandals, and a fine meal, for an ounce of gold. Under Nixon, an American could get a good suit, a pair of wingtips, and some steak and potatoes for an ounce of gold, and today you can do the same. The price of gold has remained stable, while the price of fiat dollars, backed by nothing but the promise of repayment, has declined such that many more dollars are necessary to buy the same products now than then.

The really scary thing about dollars today, is that since TARP began under Bush, the supply of dollars has quintupled, but inflation has remained much lower. This is because those dollars were confined to the vaults of the already very, very wealthy, and just increased their balance sheets, rather than being spent on goods and services, like suits and meals.

De-dollarization means that countries that held dollars in their accounts so that they could buy oil, etc., are using other currencies as the petrodollar system is eschewed by them. This means that over time those immense rafts of dollars are coming home, to be spent on goods and services, and this, in turn, means those dollars are going to suffer outrageous inflation, and decrease in value relative to gold.

In the next ten years (if there is no crash) the price of gold will quintuple, I expect. A crash will moderate that price increase, somewhat unpredictably, as it will soften demand considerably, despite the decrease in the value of dollars.

Anyway, you are right that Nixon ended the gold standard, but that did not end the debt based nature of paper money.

AND...we run into Dunbar's number again.
A personal IOU would work JUST FINE...
....within your cogno-sphere.

The way I understand it Crypto isn't debt. Each Steem has inherent value, so knowing who issued it is not a factor.

Pretty tricky..but I think you're onto something.

Crypto hasn't been issued via loans as have dollars, so you are right. They aren't debts.

We can fix that!

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