James Corbett: The Bitcoin Psyop - Blockchain Technology is a Tool That Can Be Used for Harm or To Help.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Just like the knife that can be used to help heal a wound or alternatively to create an injury, the blockchain 'tool' can also be used to help us or hinder us - the INTENTION makes the difference.

For me, Intention is the internal alignment towards a desired outcome, often based on principles decided upon by the individual holding the intention. We may hold intentions that care about the wellbeing of others and of life in general, or we may hold intentions that completely deny the real needs of others... The difference between holding either types of these intentions is the difference between uplifting humanity (plus life in general) and actively holding humanity down/back.

In my post about Dragon Chain I explored the reality that they have an ex Homeland Security and FBI director 'advising' them (an expert in fingerprint tracking). I deliberately didn't go into the fine points of why this is an issue for us, since I wanted readers to connect the dots themselves based on my observations about Disney and it's hidden activities.

Today though, I came across this new video from @corbettreport called 'the bitcoin psyop' - which addresses a similar thread of logic regarding the future of blockchain technology and the agendas/intentions of those involved with driving it forward. I highly recommend watching and sharing this piece as it goes some way to cut through the sometimes confusing terminology and propaganda that surrounds blockchain technology in the mainstream and also sometimes in the 'alternative' media too.

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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Excellent. Thank you for sharing. I does mean that most of the planet will NOT understand the revolution unfolding. Perhaps as high as 95% of humanity for the time being.

But then, when I first experienced the internet about 1992 with a dial up analogue telephone..... it was so rudimentary.

Notwithstanding the technological and semantic challenges clarified so well in the Corbet report, we have the monumental issue of DELIBERATE deception and attack by existing stakeholders. On here we all know who they are.

One thinks about India, for example, having recently introduced a VAT type tax on just about everything and a national identity scheme, and unilateral removal of so called high value fiat notes to force an unsuspecting population into a digital economy to track , profit and tax..... just what USA EU UK AUS et al are already doing.

So for most of the planet, the status quo will remain.

If I can paraphrase Andreas Antonopoulos - we have so far only experienced perhaps less than 1% of the new paradigm.

A great time to be here on Steemit and participating in the new paradigm to share , care, invest and profit.

Thanks for adding your clear input here. The very first post I made about crypto was in 2014 and I was saying then that crypto alone is not going to solve our problems, since it is just another way to store value and therefore whoever hold the most 'wealth' from the old system can go ahead and dominate the new system. That said though, all it might take to dent the status quo is for the expansion of systems like Steem, combined with the collective awareness of the eCONomics involved in the inherited 'playing field' and the intent to take steps to bring integrity into things. Let's see what we co-create!

<3 Corbett Report

It is so important to realize, that during this time, proceeding to a good, solid, wholesome currency of the future will be two steps forward, one step back. We will get there....

but, avoid getting squished as the dinosaur (predetory banking) flails around in its death throws.

Meaning, don't listen to the news. Because its all going to be fear about bitcoin.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a MSM news report about a baby choking on a bitcoin left in their crib. (accept.. they can't be that stupid... right?)

haha - oh, there are british newspapers that would have tried that one a few years ago maybe, but I think even their teams have wised up a bit as the world accelerates.

I am not sure how the witness situation operates, but I went and voted for you. Keep up the good work. Love Corbett Report!

Thanks for the support! I'm not seeing your vote logged, so it would be great if you'd check the witness page again to make sure your vote was recorded.

I went back in. The first time I didn't click the little upvote because it was already green. This time I clicked it and it seemed like it went thru. There should be 3 votes now. Hope it worked.

you have actually voted and unvoted 3 times, so it's currently unvoted ;)
all you need to do is type my name in the box and click vote. if you then click the up arrow next to my name it is an unvote.. it's a poor design for the voting interface.

Oh lordy... I need to get this right. This time I did what I did the first time. Clicked "vote" and did not click the arrow because it was green. Did it go thru now?

This is what it looks like.

yes, that's it - it's working now :)
thanks for persisting - i think this glitch in the steemit interface catches a lot of people out.

I have 29 votes left. How many times or how often can we vote for the same person?

One of the best explainer videos Ive seen so far.

bitcoin is way of making money and digital currency system
now bitcoin is allever
thanks for sharing this type of post

Interesting post @ura-soul I recenty wrote similar article about crypto and came to similar conclusions here - thanks for sharing🌞

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