Rambling Thoughts: FUD Will Pass, markets will rebound, plus a Steem CHEERLEADER Video (lol)

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

The GREAT FUD-FUNK will be subsiding very soon, I believe. @spiritualmax had a good post on the FUD-FACTORY "LSM" (lame-stream media) and it is full of misinformation and lies. Here's a link to that fine post: https://steemit.com/fun/@spiritualmax/fud-watch-behold-the-best-thing-banksters-can-offer
As far as our current situation goes, here's the facts as I see them...

  1. Crypto TRADERS who took out profits in 2017 are now taking MORE to cover the new Taxes imposed this year. SO EXPECT ANOTHER HUGE JANUARY SLUMP NEXT YEAR, but maybe less severe, as HODLing will not incur taxes, Cashing OUT in any investments brings the Tax Man (@eonwarped LMAO)
  2. As tax season is closing, we expect to see the money slowly start returning to the markets. April 15 is "tax day" in the USA and there will be a few stragglers, late filers, etc. but I expect May 1 to maybe start looking UP for the cryptos.
  3. STEEM has the strongest fundamentals of darn near ANY COIN, the fastest blockchain, the least under-utilized and perhaps the easiest to get, if you have NONE. Steemit allows users to start from Zero Investment, and while you must work your tail off, you can actually work up from Zero and Make Your Own Way! They used to call this

"pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps"

and there has never been a better system online than STEEMIT!

steemit logo .jpg

I will now link you to Part 2 of today's Rambling Thoughts, the Cheerleader of STEEM, @jerrybanfield :D
The first 5 minutes of his video is all about STEEM and some of the things I listed above, plus more. The rest I have not watched, it is rather long but Jerry talks very clearly and I usually boost most youtube speakers to 125% speed, except Nutnfancy, who gets 150% cuz he talks kinda slow ;) But Jerry was very easy to listen to @1.25 speed. It's a good message and well prepared.

JBF's "infomercial"

Here's the link to his post, for proper attribution: https://steemit.com/witness/@jerrybanfield/steem-witness-roadmap-for-jerrybanfield-in-2018

As far as the overall FUD by the major media and banksters, They are attempting to do what they were able to do in the Precious Metals markets...


Here's the key players, in the Heyday of Manipulation... They brought a RUNAWAY Silver Market back under their greasy little thumbs in early 2011, and an equal crazy Gold Market later the same year. Furthermore, a casual goog-iots search of Precious Metals prices for 2011 will reveal an "average price" of $35 and I was in an argument with a good friend of mine, he was saying "It says it Right Here" and I know for a Fact that the Official close was at least $48 on the Crimex and it actually peaked a little over $50 in the Asian markets that night. Thanks


you fvcking POS bastard tools of the Bank$ter$ and LSM :-(



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For the first time ever i think i am not fearing this crypto market because this is the big dip and something bought in these day may be in dip but in future it will be up : )

I agree with you. Great reminder to keep working hard. I had not heard of the tax season theriory for why crypto is down. Makes sense.

STAN told me that, he was an early adopter on Steemit but is far too busy. AFAIK, he's a self-made crypto-millionaire and has stuff going all the time. I get email updates on occasion and I pass on the info in my posts. He's better than Haejin :P

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