in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Research has shown that over 2 million new traders open new accounts with an exchange monthly. This is because more and more persons want to join successful traders who are making unmetered profits daily from trading in cryptocurrency. However, to be successful in trading, you need some valuable skills, such as Data Gathering, Analytical Skill, Appropriate Decision on information and Consistency. No doubt making profit from trading is not so easy, yet as shown by the research, daily more persons are joining the trading platforms.

The reason for the surge in trading activity is unconnected with the showing of cryptocurrency in 2017. There was an exponential growth of cryptocurrency in 2017 occasioned by increasing awareness and acceptance of the blockchain Technology. The year saw total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies grew from about $17.74 billion in January to over $512 billion in early December.

Every trader need to maximize his earnings. This can be achieved through time management and skill deployed. However, the reverse is the case when you desire to improve your earnings as a trader, because it will definitely require more time input for your analytical skills to be improved. This was the reason a group of traders developed xchangerate robotic. So xchangerate is a product of experience and skill.

The whitepaper explains xchangerate in these sweet wordings.

“XchangeRate is an intelligent algorithm or “robot” that helps investors navigate the complex cryptocurrency market and make expert decisions, all in one convenient platform. The platform pipelines data from plugins and APIs combining unique, relevant metrics to detect market attitudes. Investors set their buy/sell parameters and choose to make manual or automatic trades triggered if those conditions are met. Users are freed from having to make every decision and separately track trends and currencies. Instead, the XchangeRate robot makes intelligent decisions on its users’ behalf, enabling investors to trade popular cryptocurrencies around the clock based on set criteria”.

This summarizes the mission statement and vision of the proposers of xchangerate.io.

Therefore xchangerate is beneficial to both new and veteran traders because the time management is taking over by a robot trader. This concept is driven by the xchagerate token (XRR token). The xchangerate is an ecosystem subdivided into 4 streams: 1. The Coin Monitoring Board, 2. The Automation Robot, 3. The MVP, 4. The Marketplace. XRR Coin will be executed as a utility token used to transact on the xchangerate.io in two noteworthy models.

Being a utility token, the value of XRR token is immeasurable. This is adding to the fact that the supply is limited to 250m hardcap. It will be applicable to the ERC20 smart contract running on the Ethereum Blockchain.

The token pre-sale kicked off on the 20th of March, 2018 and will run until 4th April, 2018. While the public ICO starts on 12th April through May 9, 2018. The minimum investment is kept at 0.1 ETH. There are levels of bonuses available to early birds.

Obviously, this is a one of a kind project. The whole idea is the deployment of AI in the trading of cryptocurrency which is saving time and more profitable. It will interest you to know that some of the best exchanges have been lined up for trading already by this robot and significant results achieved.

So why not take a look at the official website, https://tokensale.xchangerate.io/ . Also you can find elaborate information in the whitepaper, https://tokensale.xchangerate.io/static/pdf/XchangeRate-Whitepaper_en.pdf . There is also the social media interaction via telegram https://t.me/xchangerateICO. Follow the discussion on BitcoinTalk.org https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3110277.0

You sure will find good reason to invest in xchagerate.io

Article by Tzxuan

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68092.03
ETH 3536.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.75