Quick crypto idea guide for forcasted top 10 for 2018

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


In my previous article about the economy and investing in precious metals I gave some of my predictions for the top 50ish coins that will be around. Some of them I dislike but still think they might do well. I dislike them for various reasons and will do further analysis on that in the future. At the moment I want to focus on my top 10 for mid 2018, some of them are steady coins and some of them could be huge gainers... only time will tell.

It will be a close fight between BTC and ETH, and if ETH wins BTC could see major losses. This will be because BitCoin has established itself as the number 1 currency and if it loses this appeal it could lose a bit. This is why it is good to go with unique coins with good ideas. This is why I do not like some of the top ones, cause they offer nothing, they may have been around for a while but they are nothing more than a copy.

  1. So for mid 2018 I think ETH will win out. This is because it offers the business world a way to easily trade across the globe. There are many companies signing up, and it will continue to grow. I will be mining this till the POS comes into affect.

  2. XRP people will continue to use banks and this will grow with the adoption of Crypto. 3 second banking transfers is huge.

  3. BTC BitCoin will still hold its value as there are strong believers and mining support. It will become slow and only good for big transfers

  4. STRAT with its C# integration will become a part of windows to use apps. This is a widely adoptable coin that is based off BitCoin, in which this coin will help BitCoin retain some of its value.

  5. GNT Processing power being put to something useful... who isnt in? When ETH changes to POS I will start mining this.

  6. WAVES A decentralised exchange, which can get rid of the risks of having it on the exchanges.... Mount Gox

  7. SC offers storage on the blockchain. Easy concept to understand and should do well.

  8. UBQ Bit like ETH but getting into the financial industry. Always room for improvements in this world... who know how long any coin will last? Which could bring great losses to the whole crypto world.

  9. STEEM The new social media. :) this may be possible with further upgrades to the system... maybe allowing webcam and voice.

  10. FCT Having a database of records on the blockchain is quite useable. This is a solid idea and can be used quite easily.

Most of these coins have solid unique ideas, but they can also be replaced. Well established coins are a solid bet and should grow for the year to come.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 62907.89
ETH 3379.73
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50