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RE: What do we want ChainBB /f/cryptocurrency to be?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I think what you are trying to do with /f/cryptocurrency has a lot of potential, and I am particularly interested in your forum because I want want to learn more about cryptocurrency, and I also want more first-hand experience using both STEEM and ChainBB.

The spam seems like it is a big issue, and I'm not sure what the solution is. I am definitely in favor of hiding posts in your ChainBB (I do not view it as censorship), but that seems like a large burden to have to do that especially since you would probably be hiding a lot of bot posts and it is tough work to manually fight against bots (but I think it is worth it so your forum readers don't have to read bot like posts of little or no value).

I am thinking about starting my own ChainBB forum about a topic that I am interested in to help me learn more about the moderator features of ChainBB, and hopefully I'll have some suggestions as I learn more.

I plan to make an effort to add a new post and make some replies in your forum in the near future. I would like to see your /f/cryptocurrency forum grow into something nice.

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