I'm not putting in any more money, until after the Bitcoin death cross has come and gone!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin is about to experience the dreaded death cross, and the funny thing is, is that the same voodoo chartist's who want you to believe their so called technical analysis, all seem to be the same ones telling you not to worry about it too much.

Well excuse me, but you guys are the ones saying this technical analysis bullshit is the real deal, so why the hell when something dreadful approaches, all of a sudden now we shouldn't be worried?

This shit goes both ways boys and girls, and if we're willing to accept the good, we sure as hell have to believe in the bad as well.

Also, another factor that has me sidelined at the moment is tax season, and let me explain why.

A lot of traders in both the traditional world, and the cryptocurrency world use their gains to pay their tax bills.

Well April 17 is just around the corner, and you could rest assured that they will be pulling some money out, or just not putting any back in until then, because the tax man needs to get his.

Just some opinion bombs being dropped here for you today boys and girls, and what are your plans until the death cross comes and goes, and before tax season as it pertains to investing.

Leave your thoughts in the comments, and let us discuss.

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It's totally free up to 200 trades, and if you decide to keep tracking after that, you'll save a whopping 10% on all account upgrade tiers, just for freaking using my link!

It is also the perfect solution come tax man season, because now you'll have all your cryptocurrency information in one secure place, accessible wherever you have an internet connection, which will most definitely help prevent you from going to a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, for not paying your taxes properly in the future.


My plan is to hibernate! This has been a really long and cold winter for the cryptoverse and it is really important to wait it out until spring (at least a few weeks of consistent gains) ;)

I'm with ya on this one Lucy, and so far our wait and see approach has been working out just fine.

I'm honestly not sure how many traders are gonna pay the tax man for crypto gains this year...since the IRS in the US has no way to gain access to this data right now (not without an audit or by colluding with the NSA's terrifying tracking power of everyone with a web connected device anyway).

Right now the exchanges aren't required to report gains / losses to the IRS like stock brokers are. But not paying taxes now even though the IRS might not find out for another few years is for sure a risky game to play, especially if you've made 5 figure profits or more. I have a feeling when they do go after people it'll be the bigger fish first and then they'll make an example out of some of them to scare people into paying up.

Regarding the price, yeah the death cross is a concern but I don't think TA is gospel either. It's just one of many tools. People selling due to the death cross only is kind of like the tail wagging the dog in my opinion.

The banks report deposits and withdrawals to the Internal Revenue Service, ad we all know there is only but a few off ramps for fiat, so the tax man will get people this year, believe me, especially the ones who made 5 figures or more.

As for the death cross is concerned, I personally would rather wait and see how it plays out, it makes no sense to risk it in my opinion, but I do appreciate you positive sentiment.

Buy more, time travel, then enjoy the benefice.

Ha ha, too true!

Now is the time to increase what we have. Keep building on steemit and wait for the recovery. It doesn't have to be a money investment, mine is going to be time and effort.

Time and effort is at the root of all successes mate, so I wish you luck!

Man more bad news huh... This is starting to getting annoying for crypto! Maybe the hype has passed?

The hype has definitely passed, and now it's time for the people who really care about this stuff to make some really good money in the long-term!

I've not yet plan, i see bitcoin rate is continuously comes and goes, ups and down

Yep, it sure is a roller coaster.

Very true what you say, it is good that you have taken your own resolution.
People sometimes ask for calm because they need calmness but we all know that this is a roulette where everything can happen.

Damn truth right there, and only a small factor could be associated with reality.

I think it's best to wait until this period is over. The dip has caused great disappointments in people. The good advice is to hold all investments until then.

Very true, and I will be watching patiently.

Hello @tolkatore! I am new on the platform and I do not understand much about the subject, but it is good to be informed, I learn every day hehehe. Thanks for sharing.

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