Enjoy BITCOIN Falling While Others Are Worried!

Bitcoin broke several important supports and continues on the downtrend as uncertainty has surfaced on its SegWit deadline on August 1st 2017. People are pulling out before the dust is settled after this crucial day.

I entered a SELL trade yesterday as I spotted plenty of money on the table to make as detailed in the hourly and daily charts below.

BTCUSD Sell (Jul 15 2017).png

BTCUSD Daily (Jul 15 2017).png

Remember traders don’t care much about market falling-down like buy-and-hold players because we are able to ride in both directions.

Please comment what you think.


Nice write up. I'm more of a long term investor. Have a look at my blog, I wrote up some articles about a few smaller tokens that are worth looking at.


Sean @seanengman

I enjoy your articles as another perspective on the market. Cheers.

Also, giving you a follow. I'll upvote when my voting power recharges.



@timvinh.com Well said, Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so, would you follow me if I followed you Plz

Thanks man. Sure, we can do that. Cheers.

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