Crypto Instagram - LIT

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Recently I was on Coinmarketcap looking at gainers and losers. I noticed for the third consecutive day a token called 'MITHRIL' in the top five gainers, so obviously I was compelled to check it out!!

Turns out there is an Instagram type application named LIT which you use to mine Mithril much as content creators 'mine' Steem on Steemit.

Curious, I downloaded the app and got started. Use is simplicity personnified. Point, click submit and you are done. If you wish you can add text, emoji's etc.

Home Page of the LIT App

Basically the concept is similar to Steemit inasmuch as one follows people (friends) and get followed (followers)and you vote for pictures you like. Below is an example of one of my pictures


The big difference is the pictures or 'posts' as they are called only exist on your profile for 24 hours after which they disappear and you are paid out the value voted


One can take as many pictures as you wish but there does seem to be some resistance to people voting for countless photo's and I find the optimal for me is around 12 - 18 a day.

My profile as of this morning.

There is a message / chat facility and the more interaction your photo stimulates the greater the reward so once again one needs to do a bit of socialising to build a following. In reality the chat is not a huge part of the profile at the moment and quality content is generally not the idea either (hence the mustard bottle)


At present with a very small overall adoption and very little effort on my part (I spend less than 20 minutes a day on LIT whereas this post has taken me more than an hour already) I am getting an average of 1.3 Mith a day. At $0.48c that translates to $0.64c . Now compare this to Steemit where the effort is much more and my posts are now earning

LESS than $1 which still has to be shared with curation and is only paid out after 7 days

Where should I focus my attention?


Now this little start to finish demo took 23 seconds , yes I timed it, and it takes even less time if one is taking photo's of one's surroundings . I will compare this pics rewards against that of this post... I know what to expect

I believe once this application has been more widely adopted it will surpass Steemit very quickly in active user numbers and earnings.... especially for early adopters



WARNING! The comment below by @erudire leads to a known phishing site that could steal your account.
Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.

Thank you, much appreciated !!

Thanks for the intro - I only turn my phone on once a week, but it's good to know what millenials are up to.

I am amazed at how into their food the chinese are !! Seems all they do is eat... and some darn good looking food as well. Hmmmm, also did not realise there are so many cute little ladies over there... dark hair and milk white skin .... errrr, I digress... Thanks for the continued support my friend.

Yes, Wellington is all like that :)

Wow, you right .... well almost....



work that are extraordinary and useful,thanks for sharing my friend,i support you,success is always,@themagus

And when it does, hopefully there will be some good stuff on there, though considering its apparent ephemeral nature perhaps the focus is on noticing the transient mundanity of life and just being able to pick up the most amount of mithril for the least amount of effort XD

Seriously though I think it's a good thing projects like this keep popping up. Wouldn't do anyone any good for things to start resting on laurels after all ;D

One does see a lot of China and chinese cuisine. It is slowly getting some traction in other countries. If you get the app there is a woman named Orchid, she has some seriously good taste in home furnishings....methinks not a battling citizen.

That sounds really cool, now I just need to find space on my cheap Motorola phone hahahah

btw I'm back to Steemit, I was sick in bed for 2 days \o\

Glad to hear you are well again. Your mom will tell you you were sick because you cycled in the rain. Of course that is not true {grin}

AHAHA yeah, as always @themagus.

I want to taste it! Thank you for telling me about this app, it is tempting and just for me, the way I love the photo!

Hello @anna-mi. It does use quite a bit of data .... So I mainly use it on wireless. There are a few very good photographers and one does get to see a lot of daily life and in peoples homes....and food...plenty.

Very intriguing, especially as I have a gazillion photos that have never seen the light of day. I may just have to give this a go. Do you get any kind of referral if I sign up and use your name?

The cool thing about it is you can post anywhere, anytime .... I suppose Steepshot is similar ...
As regards referrals, thanks for the thought but I could not find anything about that. But if indeed when registering....feel more than free to use me .

True - I've tried Steepshot a handful of times, but I keep forgetting about it. And you're very welcome - I always like to give credit where credit is due. 😊

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