Waltonchain BETA AMA key takeaways - Addressing the FUD with upcoming developments

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

###This is an analysis of the recent beta AMA conducted by the Waltonchain team

In light of the recent AMA event regarding the beta release of the wallet conducted by the Waltonchain team on the 2nd of January, 2018, investors of the Waltonchain platform received a multitude of bullish bombshells delivered in the typical, good ole' Waltonchain lackluster fashion. Now of course we can agree that having to dig for the diamond in the rough ourselves is, well, for lack of a better phrase.. Annoying, unprofessional, frustrating, unconvincing, rage inducing, in general, however, the important thing I want you to take away from this is the fact that the diamond is most certainly there, and those who can see it are the ones who will be rewarded dearly.
I’m grateful these concerns were addressed/acknowledged directly by the CEO himself, and it is clear that efforts are being made to fix this:

  • New website being developed
  • Western PR team has been hired
  • Complete rebranding is being considered. I shall expand further below.

##Recollection of the AMA - My analysis


The original plan was to launch the parent chain and develop on top of it, but the Korean Smart City project has pushed the urgency to include the child chains ASAP. This has refocused development resources. Besides news of industry partners implementing the Waltonchain blockchain once main-net has been released, incredibly bullish news about 3 sub-chains was released in underwhelming fashion.

Bing Mok: “Actually there is a lot of R&D work in the blockchain that needed to be done this month alone. At least three child-chains of WTC are in development. That is the main reason we MIGHT delay the release. We will try our best to LAUNCH on Q1, but if it happens in Q2, we believe it will be worth the day, because the three sub-chains are so important that we simply cannot give them up. One child-chain’s focus is for the Smart City in Korea currently being developed. The second one is focused on smart agriculture in China. The third one will be announced in early Feb. It’s a secret for now.

It's interesting to note the way the Waltonchain team doesn't care for hype. This is why I'm glad the marketing issues have finally been addressed. News of ANOTHER SMART CITY was dropped like somebody coughed up some phlegm in a tissue and dropped it in the bin on the way to the shitter.. Incredibly, it is possible to manage an entire SMART CITY off a single child chain. The second smart chain focuses on smart agriculture in China, a trillion dollar industry. Then, for those who enjoy a bit of hype, there is a child chain currently under development which requires a NDA. I'm not one for speculation, so I'll let you guys try figure what that could possibly be.

For those asking for clarification about a potential main-net release delay, the reason why the main-net could be released is because the development of these three major sub-chains has taken a lot of extra R&D attention, which is fair enough considering the scope of the project.

Monitor: “It takes great effort and much time in developing the sub-chains (my input not Monitor: they serve different purposes therefore it’s similar to developing three different blockchains), so there is a lot of work for our technical team. We need to take the time to make sure it’s perfect. We are also expanding our technical team, (dlow stacks: 1-2 new developers per week from what I remember but need this confirmed again), we planned to launch the main chain in Q1, but we think it is also very important for us to develop the child chain, so that’s why we think it’s worth it if there’s any delay”



One of the most important things to note is that once the main-net is launched, there will be some of the industry partners listed in the compendium I posted a few days ago actively using the blockchain for real world efficiency increases/cost cutting within their business.

This was actually one of the questions which I need to have answered, because the implications it holds are so great for our long term holders. The team still has sights set on Q1 main-net release. Although there is a CHANCE the main-net/genesis block gets delayed to Q2 once it has been released, there will be real world usage organically pushing up the price of the token, as opposed to speculative gains. THIS IS MASSIVE. How many cryptos out there are actually being pushed up due to their utility as opposed to speculation? Another thing to note is the fact that mass production of RFID chips (economies of scale) is only an added benefit of what is to come, because what this news proves is that Walton will not have to wait until 2020 to begin providing real world benefits to business's that will adopt the platform.


3) Child Chains can run any consensus algorithm they wish: DPOS, PoA, PoST, PoW etc

The child chains are capable of using independent infrastructure from the parent chain. There are existing chains set up to provide various options depending on the needs of the customer. They are also providing customization services to assist business's to create high performance child-chains tailored for their specific applications. This propels Waltonchain to one of the most unique blockchain positions out there on the market. There is nothing similar to this, and the possibilities are endless.


4) Endless scalability using the Parent/Child chain protocol developed by the Waltonchain Blockchain engineers

This protocol is an authentic and innovative invention developed by the blockchain engineers at Waltonchain, which allows for millions of transactions per second. The way this is possible, is that congestion is isolated to each child-chain depending on the amount of activity they receive. This keeps congestion off of the parent chain, which will be the chain that publicizes all the legally required information from business's, thus ensuring its integrity is continuously upheld by the dedicated Guardian Masternode's which will specialize in validating the transactions on the heart of the network, the parent chain.

If you are having trouble visualizing this in your head, take the hypothetical example I've come up with: Even if each child-chain could only validate 7 TP/s, if there was 100 child-chains connected to the parent chain, that would allow for 700 transactions per second. If there's 1000 child-chains, that allows for 7000 TP/S. This is the idea of limitless scalability. My example is brief, simplified, and doesn't do justice to the true genius behind the protocol, and preferably somebody more knowledgeable on the technical side of things could clarify this point in the comment section.


5) Bithumb listing in the works

We’ve learned that Waltonchain is in talks about getting listed on Bithumb, likely within the next 3 months. The delay is not because of anything Waltonchain related, but actually due to the Korean ICO ban, thus withholding Bithumb from being legally allowed to list WTC on it.

Note: that the public Github is being worked on tirelessly, so Bittrex is also looking like a likely candidate, something that wasn't the case 2 weeks ago. Bittrex however, is under no legal obligation to restrain from listing WTC, so that remains on the table for the time being.


6) ICO's are able to be hosted using the Waltonchain platform

I'm not going to go too deep into this point seeing as I don't know enough about it, but yes it has been confirmed by the CEO himself that ICO's will be able to taken place using Waltonchain. It's a common misconception to believe that Waltonchain is simply supply-side solution for the clothing industry. Besides news of the Smart Cities, Smart Waste Management, Smart Air Pollution Monitoring etc, this piece of information should clarify to investors that Waltonchain isn't simply a supply-side solution. It's an all encompassing ecosystem based off state of the art RFID technology/hardware combined with the Parent/Child chain dual scalability protocol.


7) Developing a new QT version wallet parallel with the current one.

I'm almost confident this is referring to the Qt (pronounced "cute") cross-platform application SDK. If they do this right it means we can have wallets for Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile with a unified user interface. Qt has a long history in the Linux desktop space, and more recently in mobile and in embedded system applications (where I come from). Very excited for this!


8) Higher percentage GMN return than DASH MN's

Monitor: "Our GMN's play an important role in supporting the safe operation of the main chain. We will have a certain amount of rewards accordingly. It will be more than Dash Masternode's rewards, don't worry"

Although the team are not legally allowed to discuss specific ROI figures, I'm glad we've finally gotten a gauge on whereabouts our ROI stands. Dash MN's returned an average of 18% over the first year, in tokens.

  • 18% of 5000 tokens = 900 tokens
  • Current price: $13.40
  • 1 year ROI at current price = 900 x $13.49 = $12141 USD
  • Conservative price estimate by 31st Dec 2018: $134.90 (x10)
  • 1 year ROI at end of year price = 900 x $134.90 = $121410 USD
  • GMN price at end of year $ Value = $674500 USD


9) Airdrops in Q1

During the AMA, news of Airdrops to GMN and MN holders was released. To make up for the delay, we will be receiving Waltonchain tokens just for holding, until CPU mining begins.

Congratulations, and thank you Walton team.


10) Re-branding

Question: “Have you considered a future rebranding due to the poor reputation of Walton to investors?”

Bing Mok: “Yes, we will”

This will be great if it happens, although due to language barriers, we cannot be certain if Bing Mok meant that a rebranding will take place, or if they will consider it. Regardless signs are pointing towards a huge marketing effort taking place leading up to the main-net release. Personally I think that they've been withholding from actively marketing to the West due to attention being completely diverted towards the technological side of things. From what we can see above, they've already got their hands full in terms of the tailor-made child-chain development in anticipation of the Korean Smart Cities and Chinese Smart Agriculture, so it doesn't surprise me that they haven't been wasting their time hyping the coin for short term speculative gains.


11) New website launch - February

Monitor: “We are working with a professional website development team to develop our new official website”

We've been asking all this time, and we've received.

This is going to be released in February. Some people may say, "why does it take that long to make a website?" Who knows. Stop being a cunt.


12) Western marketing

This point is a big one for all of you who won't stop talking about marketing. In the AMA, basically every single team member of Waltonchain in the slack commented on the western marketing efforts. They know they haven't been, but they also know that it's going to be a big play for them in 2018. Waltonchain is inherently a Chinese/Korean company, so efforts to market in the West, especially this early on in the project, are probably the last concern they HAD. HOWEVER. We have been constantly pushing, pleading, and nagging them to develop their efforts in the West, and I have seen a serious change in their attitude towards it. I believe the more we talk about things, the more they listen. If you don't believe me (which is weird considering the potential re-branding, the website etc), see below.

Songjie: "Formal release of the genesis block should be aligned with our hardware progress, sub-chain development, and marketing."


13) Constant updates every 2-3 weeks

Lila: “We will continue with updates and make releases every 2-3 weeks. Thank you!”

No Lila, thank you.

At times, the language barriers make it hard for us to maintain mutual understandings about things, but it has become a known fact that on your end. you're doing your best to improve the investor relation fundamentals, and keep us in the loop. One thing I would like to suggest is to stop dancing around things like the potential main-net delay. I felt like my question was avoided in the Slack, which was super frustrating for me because I've done nothing but respect and help this company out, so sadly I lost my patience a bit, but by the end of the AMA, we received much more information than expected originally.


14) Mining/staking can be conducted without having to leave your wallet open

There were security concerns around this, glad to see it's been addressed.



All in all, the AMA was a stressful experience for a young GMN holder like me, but relating back to the idea of a true diamond in the rough, I would like all the members of the Reddit community to understand how much information it was actually possible to scrape when, instead of trying to FUD at any given opportunity, you try to see things for what they really are and disconnect yourself from your emotions. What I have gauged from this experience is that we are in the hands of a very capable and dilligent team who have problems with communication, and misunderstand the western market. What should be clear to all however, is that this team focuses A LOT more on the technical aspects of things and behind the scenes partnerships/govt contracts.

I'm looking forward to a great 2018 for Waltonchain. I cannot wait to see the flippening happen between speculation and real world adoption, and who else is better poised for success in such an environment other than our very own Waltonchain?

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