1 SBD to the Person Who UpVotes and Guesses the Closest! "How Many PrimeCoin Are In The primecoin.dat File I Found Today?"

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I've Been Harddrive Mining

by looking for old wallets on old drives. Today I came across a primecoin.dat file which I'm hoping is a valid primecoin wallet file. So...

How Much Do You Think?


  • 0
  • Less than 1 coin
  • 1-100 Coins
  • 101 - 500 Coins
  • 501 - 1,000 Coins
  • 1,001 - 10,000 Coins
  • 10,000+ Coins

In All Honesty, I Have Zero

ideas on how much may or may not be in it. It's been years and all I know is my wife remembers me talking about them. lol The wallet is synching, only 181 weeks behind. ;)

Ok Upvote the Original Post, Comment Your Guess Below and Vote for Runner Up!

1 SBD to

whoever upvotes and guesses the closest. Other non-number guesses are also valid, if they're correct. :)

.5 SBD to the next best guess

Use your upvotes to vote for the best/closest/entertaining guess.

Go Be Awesome!!


blackmetalchem Wins!

The blockchain finished downloading last night. I shut it down, renamed my primecoin.dat file to wallet.dat and started it up again. It rescanned and has exactly... ZERO COINS! Not even a single transaction...
Oh well. :(

Runner Up Is psykogamer

with a guess of 15!

Congratulations To You Both

and a round of applause for the remaining entries. I appreciate all of you who participated and I'll be sending out the rewards today. :D

Go Be Awesome!!

aw sorry but thanks either way! I forgot about it lol

No worries, I play a clean game. ;)

175 weeks behind... Shutting down for a few hours while I boot in to a windows desktop. Working on this steemit post on feminizing cannabis using STS solution. Link to Teaser :D

Go Be Awesome! (And remember to Upvote the comment you believe should be the runner up!)

And what do you guess it will be? It's going so slow, the extended anticipation is delicious. :D

LOL Might just be a very accurate guess. I hope you're wrong by a kingly sum. lol :D

10,000+ Coins.

10k would be great. :) I believe they're around $0.15USD. Here's hoping your correct!

i hope its would be 1,001 - 10,000 Coins

I have you down for 1,001 - 10,000 Coins!
May you be a winner! :D

Let me guess at 15. No clue how long it would take to get so many but that is my guess

You're locked in at 15! Good guess and remember to upvote the guess/comment you believe should be the second runner up. :)

501 to 1000.it may be 626

Rather specific guess. :) You have 501 to 1000 and I wish you the best of luck. :)

LOL 141 Weeks Behind!

Working on it. lol I downloaded a windows wallet, so I can keep it updating on both desktops. heh

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.029
BTC 64572.94
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82