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RE: Crypto Update - EOS Block Producers Vote to Raise Ram Supply!

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Let's hope this makes the whole ram issue better, especially since many of the BP did some inside trading and were able to get massive profit out of ram trading, i even devoted some BP because of this....

BTW, you know about chintai right? Which is going to enable us to lease our EOS bandwidth and cpu ? Have you heard anything about them lately? Do you know if they are going to allow leasing of ram too?

And another thing, do you think we should sell our RAM now wait acouple of weeks and buy back more of it?


This will alleviate RAM speculation massively. I agree that BPs acted in their own self interest by refusing to vote on increasing RAM but it is human nature we are dealing with. I think you are right to only vote BPs you believe are working hard to build the ecosystem and those you feel are ethical in their activities. In regard to Chintai, I have used them to trade different tokens and they do have a RAM market i believe. Honestly I lost EOS trading RAM so I'm in no position to give advice. The speculation and the excitement got to me and I regret ever touching the market in the first place. The best time to buy was at the beginning before tools were even available to do so. Lesson learned. Be careful.

Honestly I lost EOS trading RAM

Been there done that, not with EOS RAM but with day trading...

I should have sold RAM when the greymass wallet first permitted for ram trading... it was obvious that the price would decrease if it didn't EOS wouldn't be usable! Maybe I wouldn't have made killer profit but i would still have made some profit...

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