Full Guide to Setting Up an Ignition Coin Master Node

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Master Node Setup Guide:

This guide teaches you how to have your coins in your qt-wallet, and setup a remote master node that earns with your coins.

1- Download the IgnitionCoin from the official website: https://www.ignitioncoin.org/ Go to wallet, windows, download, and run.

2- Once installed you should Encrypt the wallet, and keep your password safe. Then Backup your encrypted wallet to a safe place.

3- Now let the wallet sync. If it does not sync you can close and try again.

4- Open yourself a new notepad textfile to paste information for future use.

5- Go to Help -> Debug Window in the Wallet and Select The Console Tab – In the Console window bottom field, type:
“getaccountaddress 0” and copy the result to your notepad. This is your MASTERNODE DEPOSIT ADDRESS,
where you will deposit the coins to create a masternode. Pay 3000 IC exactly into this address. No more, no less.

6- You need 15 confirmations on your valid tx to start your masternode.

7- In the Console Debug window enter “masternode genkey” and copy the result to your notepad. This is your MASTERNODE PRIVKEY.

8- Go to the configuration file, it’s in a hidden folder on your roaming folder on your computer, so to access it: Press once on the windows key on the bottom left of the keyboard, the type directly %appdata% and press enter.
It should open your roaming folder where you can find the Ignition folder. Enter the Ignition Folder and double click on Ignition.conf with notepad or another text editor.

9- Then paste these lines:






Go back to your Notepad and copy-paste your private key after the equals sign of “masternodeprivkey=”.

Paste the IP and PORT after masternodeaddr= (example IP is your remote VPS IP Address, Port for this coin is 44144 Now save and close the Ignition.conf file.

10 – Now we need to find the Valid transaction proof: (You need to have already made your exact 3000 transaction, and have the wallet unlocked & synced, which needs 15 confirmations). Go to the help option, debug window, console. Type:

masternode outputs

You will get only empty {} if your transaction did not work properly. If you have a valid transaction you will get something like this: { “45iritk5987jkghfkjashogfre98h4rh4259876342oiuyfihg9834gd135” : “0” } This is your “VALID TRANSACTION HASH” followed by your “TRANSACTION INDEX” Copy-paste the long string in your notepad (without all the extra caracters { : “) that is your Tx Hash. Then copy-paste to your notepad the alone number (0 or 1), that is called the Index.

11- Go to the local wallet, masternode tab, click create. Fill in the fields:

Alias: any name will do.

Address: example

IP is your remote VPS IP Address, Port for this coin is 44144


TxHash: Your valid Transaction hash, (the long string clean without the extra stuff) Output Index: Your valid transaction index (0 or 1)

Reward Address: Your IgnitionCoin Address

Reward: put 100 i.e: %100

12- Close the wallet by going to File -> Exit.

It should have created a file in your %appdata% roaming folder-Ignition called masternode.conf
You can open it to check (Optional) in there you should have just one long string with all your information one after the other: Alias Address: Port PrivKey TxHash Index RewardAddress and Reward %

Open the IGNITION Wallet again by running Ignition-qt.exe. The Local side is done, now we need to setup the VPS.

Setting up the remote IgnitionCoin Wallet On VPS

Step 1: Launching VPS & Updating
Once you purchased a fresh VPS with Ubuntu 16.04, and you are connected to it with ssh or similar software:
We will be copy-pasting commands one by one in the VPS console (if you are root – you can exclude all instances of sudo, just run commands without the word sudo in front):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
If you want more security you can create a new user (optional but recommended):
adduser newUsername usermod -aG

sudo newUsername

After this command is run, exit and return to your ssh client and log in again with this new user

Step 2: Making swapfile:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000

sudo mkswap /var/swap.img

sudo swapon /var/swap.img

To make the swap file persist after reboots, use these commands:

sudo chmod 0600 /var/swap.img

sudo chown root:root /var/swap.img

sudo nano /etc/fstab
This last command opens a Command Line text editor, append the following line to the end of the file:
/var/swap.img none swap sw 0 0
Save the file and exit – to exit and save, hit CTRL X

Step 3: Firewall ( can do this step at anytime )

sudo apt-get ufw

sudo ufw allow OpenSSH

sudo ufw allow 44144-44145

sudo ufw default deny incoming

sudo ufw default allow outgoing

sudo ufw enable

Step 4 : Compiling the wallet

sudo apt-get install git

git clone https://github.com/ignitioncoin/ignitioncoin

Step 5: You need to install dependencies

sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y install build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libcrypto++-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libgmp3-dev autoconf autogen automake libtool

cd ~/Ignitioncoin/src make -f makefile.unix

(this step takes a while, make sure it does not give you an error message at the end)

• Once completed, to see if the wallet is ready you can type:
• ls
• If you have the file called “Ignitiond” in the list, that is your VPS wallet.
• If you want to see the different functions of your wallet you can type:
• ./Ignitiond help
• -This was optional, only to help in case of problems or if you are curious

Step 6: Now you can Start your VPS masternode, run the following command:


It should say – It is recommended you use the following random password: etc… And exit normally, it wants you to set a user and password in the file – To do this, type these commands:

cd ~/.Ignition

nano Ignition.conf

You can use the password it suggests, or use another one.


(Save And Exit) to save use CTL+O, to exit CTL+X

Let’s Start the server again:

You should see server starting, and let it sync for a while.

To check the status of your masternode, press enter to get command line:

./Ignitiond getinfo

Once the block number is the same a what you can see in the help-debug window information of your synced local wallet, or on the block explorer, it means your vps wallet is synced.

Now the Fun part:
– Restart your local wallet and go to masternodes. Press Update.
If you did the procedure to setup your local wallet, you should see your masternode
with it’s – alias – IP:Port – % – Reward address, so you can start it.
– Then press start, wait couple of minutes and press Update again.
You should see “masternode is running!”

If you got any error make sure your wallet is unlocked.

You can check status in the local console by typing masternode status
If you get “status” : 1 it’s all good!

You don’t need to keep you local open now. If it’s not working I suggest you go to the IgnitionCoin Discord Group to ask for help.

Happy staking and enjoy your MN rewards.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
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JST 0.029
BTC 63548.34
ETH 2646.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74