Invox Finance - Platfrom innovative Decentralized Invoice Lending in the world

Who is Invox Finance?

Invox Finance Pty Ltd was established by ABR Finance members Tim Pty Ltd, a successful invoice-based finance company based in Australia. As our team is undergoing an expansion phase,please visit our website ( ) for more information.

About Invox Finance

The Invox Finance platform is an invoice loan platform that enters the invoice financing industry worth US $ 2.8 trillion. Several sellers and buyers test the Invox Finance Platform with ABR Finance as a trusted investor. ABR Finance is a successful invoice finance company and has helped fund business in all over Australia with A $ 30 million in invoicing. Because the team at ABR Finance Pty Ltd is behind Invox Finance and ABR will be the first customer of Invox Finance.

Platform will comprise of the following:

  1. The Blockchain or Distributed Ledger (Ethereum Network)
  2. Dynamic Invoice Smart Contracts
  3. Loans Smart Contracts
  4. User Access and Processing Hub

Platform Overview The Invox Finance Platform will comprise of the following:

The Invox Finance platform is a peer-to-peer distributed invoicing loan platform that will allow sellers, buyers, investors and other service providers to connect, interact, share, and distribute information.

This platform will facilitate an environment system where trust between the parties is developed through a built-in reward system. Implementation of transactions and information flows does not depend on a single centralized service provider, but is governed by a set of transparent rules executed on a fully distributed ledger,visit

Dynamic Invoice - Smart Contract

A set of Dynamic Invoice Smart Contracts will be distributed to Ethereum mainnet.
They will facilitate invoices and registration are fully distributed for dynamic. Invoices in the general ledger and dynamic invoices will also be stored as additional information, verification status invoices, advances made on invoices and payments received. They will also make sure the information stored in the ledger is transparent,reliable and secure.Blockchain data structures represent invoices to be used as tamper proof. It allows all major ledgers to view the state of the invoice with respect to the time.

Smart Credit Contract

This smart contract will also be distributed on Ethereum mainnet.This contract will allow the flow of funds between investors, sellers and buyers.The terms and conditions of the loan will be coded into a smart contract and provides assurance to all participants that the terms and conditions will be enforced, this smart contract leads to funds for certain parties (when certain smart contract conditions are met) and activates loan fragmentation to reduce risk for investors.

Access Users and Process Hubs

This is where all parties will meet and interact with each other. Hub's main objective is to allow investors, sellers, buyers and others interested parties to have seamless and efficient ways to communicate, exchange information, and facilitate initiation and execution of various contracts and smart processes.

Integration of Bank APIs

Works cron linux / python will arranging calls from our banking API partners to smart contract.It will be hosted on Microsoft Azure cloud hosting, using "Key Vaults" for key management. Spread in the future can be run in the local data center using HSM Gameloto to facilitate transactions signing.

Advantages Invox Finance

Transparency Any interested party, which has permission, can view the terms of the transaction on the blockchain ledger.
Reduced counterparty risk Once the transaction is established between the parties and deployed on the blockchain, the execution of the terms of the smart contract cannot be stopped, interfered with or manipulated.
Reduced fraud risk Smart Contracts, together with invoice verifications, reduce the risk of fraud and manipulation by any one party - Smart Contracts exist on the distributed ledger and therefore cannot be manipulated or interfered with by a single party.
Decentralised Smart Contracts eliminate the risk of trusting the centralised service provider to maintain the integrity of the transaction. The service provider does not have any direct involvement in managing the execution of the terms of the smart contract or the flow of funds between parties.

Invox Tokens


Initial Coin Offering

Sale Structure


Q3 2017
Idea formulated

Q4 2017
Incorporated as Invox Finance Pty Ltd

Q1 2018
Proof of concept code and testing

Q1 2018

Q1 2018
V1 of the whitepaper

Q1 2018
V1 of the website

Q1 2018
Presale began

Q1 2018
Presale sold out

Q2 2018
V2 of the whitepaper

Q2 2018
V2 of the website

Q2 2018
Complete ICO

Q2 2018
Distribute Invox Tokens

Q2 2018
Mockup complete for buyer, seller and investors journeys

Q3 2018
First invoice issued on alpha platform

Q4 2018
Initial user testing on beta platform

Q1 2019
Invox Finance debit cards become available

Q2 2019
Mobile application testing

Q2 2019
Integration with Celsius

Q2 2019
Launch into second region

Q3 2019
Mobile application release

Q4 2019

Launch into third region



For more information visit the link below:

Website :

Whitepaper :

Facebook :

Twitter :

Ann Thread :

Username : araalfaris

Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1116890

ETH : 0xD21b7600ff11bEfB00dff92252a16A2f2fdBF71a

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66094.73
ETH 3446.09
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66