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RE: A kind of Twitter on the Bitcoin Cash Blockchain / Amazon wants to deanonymize Bitcoin Transactions with Data Marketplace / Parity: Is this a Bailout - or a Rescue?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

My condolences on your capital misallocation.

BCash is Very Wrong Ver's attempt at social engineering and mimicry. He's gone so far to even mimic a character in "Silicon Valley".

Instead of "New Facebook" and "New Snapchat", its "New Bitcoin". Unlike other forks of Bitcoin's code, Very Wrong Ver has explicitly stated he wants to usurp Bitcoin itself.

He isn't competing on merit, he's using the same tactics a sleazy vendor of knock-off merchandise does -- copying an established name, and pushing it on people as the original.

This, quite simply, is fraud.

He's gone as far as to list Bitcoin prices in USD, then have a drop-down link on his .com site with BCash as the default. This is designed to dupe new users into thinking they're getting authentic Bitcoin -- but they aren't.

I'd stay away from a project that feels it needs to trick and cheat people to achieve traction.

For those that are interested in a thorough debunking of Very Wrong Ver's tactics, please read this excellent article --


No one owns the name "Bitcoin". When it comes down to it, BCH is an upgrade to the BTC chain, and a legitimate contender for the BTC name. By the Nakamoto Consensus, when BCH accumulates more cumulative PoW on its blockchain, by the consensus rules laid out in the whitepaper it will be Bitcoin.

I say when, rather than if because the fact that BTC has rendered unupgradable due to dangerous centralization of developer power, and it will inevitably stagnate - and stagnant water breeds disease.

Seriously, fo those of us who got involved with Bitcoin before October 2013, Bitcoin Cash is the coin we got involved with. The scaling plan was always to increase the blocksize. The fact that one day, full nodes would require expensive server hardware and would only be operable in datacenters was something to look forward to, because that would have meant that BTC was being used as money on a global scale.

Don't take my word for it: Source

Did you know Vitalik Buterin wanted to build ETH on top of BTC? He only decided to make his own crypto when it became clear that Core would actively prevent him from building ETH atop Bitcoin.

@ashaman 0-conf is an upgrade? Removing Segwit an upgrade? 32 mb blocks that are only using 4kb of transaction data (15 transactions a block) thats an upgrade? LOL

Also you want the mess ETH has going on right now on bitcoin? The smaller the attack surface the more secure we are and ETH is a fucking galaxy of attack surface.

You can stick to your big blocker talking point that I've heard a million times (what you said above) but its been a year and you have less transactions, less hashing power, and zero overall respect in the community.

Money doesn't matter as a medium of exchange until its a store of value. Think about it outside of crypto, how many times do your friends pay in amounts that cover your rent or a mortgage? For me its not that often, most of the my income and the first worlds income comes from major corporations or small businesses. Both of those entities take on loans and venture capital to start the business thus the money comes from places that are legacy stores of values that are not at all in crypto. If we we're only getting paid in the money that comes from sales every business I've worked for in the last 10 years would've failed. ICO's are the only companies I've worked for in years that haven't relied on loans and VC's. Even that is misleading because the big token deals are basically huge VC cash infusions. Do you think they're worried about a transaction fee for a multi-mullion dollar token deal? No because it's either an OTC transaction or in a coin that also has low fee, zero- cost transactions, like you precious BCH garbage.

For us to become a truly world currency we need to disrupt the store of value, get paid in that, then commerce in that new store of value (bitcoin to lightening network). Bankers and VC's don't give a fuck about your crypto low fee transactions, they're invested in Paypal and Venmo already!

You can scream from the top of a mountain, original vision, free transactions, and we're scaling but none of that changes how money is held overtime i.e. bank loans, gold, us dollars and soon to be BITCOIN (BTC).

Further more you say no one owns Bitcoins name but by that definition you say Bitcoin's name will be owned at some point. Until that point STFU and by your own def if your holding BCH right now its not Bitcoin. There wouldn't even be an argument if the Bcash community didn't try to take ownership of the Bitcoin name.

I hope your getting paid for shilling Rogers Scam. Sorry I take this so personally, my mom got scammed by wallet saying it was bitcoin when its actually bitcoin cash and she almost lost all of her BTC sending to that address. All because of this bullshit confusion perpetuated by people trying to make gains on a coin thats for transaction only...

Removing Segwit an upgrade?

Absolutely, that over-engineered hack should have never found its way into the codebase. It would have been fine as a hard fork, but that was out of the question because it went against the false narrative that hard forks are simply too dangerous to attempt.

Money doesn't matter as a medium of exchange until its a store of value.

You got it backwards here. In order for something to be a store of value, people need to have confidence that others will accept it for things of value - in other words, it needs to be used as money first. Gold is only a store of value today because of its multi-millenia history of being used as money. BTC will never be a store of value in the long run if it is not used as money first.

I hope your getting paid for shilling Rogers Scam.

You have either been brainwashed by the propaganda campaign being run out of /r/Bitcoin or you a Core shill (in which case go fuck yourself with a red hot iron poker).

Its fascinating how deep down the rabbit hole you are. Honestly, I couldn't ask for more of a textbook case of Cognitive Dissonance if I tried.

So when you look at this transaction chart --

What do you see? I'd love to hear how you spin that one.

Give me your e mail address and we can talk private thanks.
I am on a wedding for the next 5 days but I will pm you.

You can hit me up on Discord, same nick.

okay cool i will do that c ya later on discord

i can't find you on discord it would be cool if you try it and look for my acc. name is danyelk thanks and i hope to c ya soon on discord
damn sorry i am trippen good on shrooms at the moment ;)
send me an invite

You'd have to give me your four digits so I can find your Discord account.

Hell yes let 'em know @talltim!

That is hot garbage "its like comparing Bitcoin to Paypal" is extremely miss leading. That would be a fair comparison for STEEM / Zappl to Twitter / Tumblr. We're talking on an amazing decentralized social media platform already, are you going to say is the original vision for STEEM or Zappl? These bcash'ers really are desperate to fill up those empty blocks. Last Bcash block as I'm writing this (527803) was 4 kbs total weight LOL

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