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RE: What Makes Bitcoin Cash Meetups So Special?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Here we go again -- Hey Roger, while you're wasting your time on the beach you might want to have a good talk with Craig "Faketoshi" Wright. He's launching a new fork of your altfork called "Bitcoin SV".

Some memesters got to it and made this humorous interpretation:


Seems when you surround yourself with cheats, ethically compromised sleazbags and overall liars - drama happens. And it is happening now.

Other news that Roger won't tell you -- BCash has been slipping in relative hashrate for some time -- -- its under 10% and falling.

Could it be that miners are pulling from his disastercoin? Gosh, they just might!! And with CSW forking he's gonna have to worry about Calvin Ayre and his miners leaving the roost.

I'd almost feel sorry for Roger if he wasn't a duplicitous lying douchebag.


Roger is still trying to buy the original Bitcoin subreddit --

Lightning isn't centralized --

Bitmain, now known as "Bagmain" is still screwed on their IPO plans --

Holding 1 Million BCash and climbing means -- good luck trying to sell in a paper-thin market. Once investors get a hold of the 2nd Quarter results, they'll see that Bitmain is out of time and they are falling behind the mining marketplace.

But keep on holdin' those BCash bags, lol.

Its going to be HILARIOUS when all this hits the fan. Remember, as Jihan Wu Says:

Fork Your Mother

For the new people, here's some "Greatest Hits" about our poor little Lyin' Ver --


I like vagina, too

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